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  1. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Well, maybe there is no visible damage, but maybe instead of 100 grams you're getting 90 grams ...... seems like you can't prove this isn't the case
  2. Miko2

    Indica late flowering. M or F?

    Not sure, l1 looks like a male, the rest r females
  3. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    1:01 .. a flash interrupts darkness.. anyways byebye and thank you veggiegardener again
  4. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Why is it stupid ?
  5. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    your comments are getting funnier and funnier..... it started with answering a question you thought was 'stupid' .... no no , it started with calling a question "stupid" ..
  6. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    lol but you said "perfect environment" :) seems like plants can die in 1 of these winds/rain/no-rain/frost/too-hot attacks.. and you have to be ready for them which makes it harder
  7. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Wow u r so evil.. dude u r superior than me, ur plants don't need darkness to flower .. Do u feel people are better than u, and u know u're no-good, so u have to try make them look bad instead of trying to make ur self look good ?
  8. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    LOL I bet you suffer a lot from this problem you have... nothing negative happens to you, but surly nothing positive . Denying it was negative only makes you look worse.. But good luck with real people ;)
  9. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    We ain't no sand n*g*as like people think.. :) Look in Google-Earth..... the country is half green half yellow, deserts only in the south .... And if you're really into it, look at the borders with our neighbours (for example with Syria and Lebanon) ...... green (Israel) - border - yellow...
  10. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Would you smoke her ?
  11. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Ok thanks, the photo-shoots shell continue :)
  12. Miko2

    Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

    No, this opinion is the most important thing in this world right now .
  13. Miko2

    Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

    I didn't know fake metal and gay metal were allowed in this thread...
  14. Miko2

    What Are You Listening To?

  15. Miko2

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    I read no light should disturb a plant during the dark hours ..... Does a camera's flash damage the flowers growing process ?
  16. Miko2

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    water it with ice water... ice-water bucket challenge the plant :)
  17. Miko2

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    I smell heat stress
  18. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    New pics, looks a bit bigger and a flower close up :)