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  1. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Thats exactly what I found with the bags.. and they are deeper more than wider which I believe makes them take longer to dry out as well. Mine were dry up top and saturated at the bottom half. Problem is my roots hadn't progressed down to the btoom half of that bag.
  2. grasscropper

    Oh gosh, another cheap clone thread!

    put it out there... i have never had roots in 4 days....
  3. grasscropper

    Cheap & Easy Inline fan - under $30

    What do you care how other people rig up their grow room. Not everyone can afford the same things in life. Or if they have things at their home they can utilize why not utilze them. I find that in this forum people jump on others simply for the sake of putting someone down. It's dispicable...
  4. grasscropper

    autos not flowering? pics

    I had the same thing happen with mine, but once they started to flower I put them back into 18/6 with my veg plants. Now I question it that. But needed the room for my photos... as they were needing more room.
  5. grasscropper

    autos not flowering? pics

    Did you leave them in 12/12 or put them back to 18/6
  6. grasscropper

    Drooping leaves HELP

    Moisture stress. Let them dry out really wel before next watering.
  7. grasscropper

    Should I order this?

    Where'd you get that and how much?
  8. grasscropper

    Should I order this?

    I have a hard time with them too. Not that my eyes are really bad... but they are older and I wear glasses and trying to look through one of these tiny devices gives one a damn headache. The usb one sounds pretty good and neat to me too.
  9. grasscropper

    Can I grow with this?

    Amazon has pretty good deals IMO... don't know makes etc., but hey for $125 for a 400 watt HPS with 2 bulbs and digital ballast ... what the hell.
  10. grasscropper

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    Ya it's fine wit h me. I don't grow organic yet. Haven't tried the method. My tap water is 7.2. And TDS of my tap water is 137.
  11. grasscropper

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    Which is what I said about pH and soil. Generally you shouldn't have to do anything to the pH in soil as it takes care of itself. But it is always handy to have a ph pen or metre to test your tap water with or without nuts. TDS metre will tell you how much nutrients you have in the water in...
  12. grasscropper

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    Like I said I started with one plant in one bucket to try it out. It seems to be with hydro you know where you are at all times with respect to the nutrients aspect. Pop in the TDS metre... does the plant need feeding or not.. generally it seems just a top up of water is the answer. Check the...
  13. grasscropper

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    TDS metre and pH meters are necessities for hydro growers.
  14. grasscropper

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    It gives you the total dissolved solids in your water. So your tap water will have chlorine, iron and other minerals in it. I get a TDS reading of 138 PPM (parts per million). Then add your nutrients as per directions and measure again TDS. During veg you want 500 - 700 ppm for your nutrient...
  15. grasscropper

    Will this work ? What do I need ?

    Why don't you start with LSTing before topping. And if you do top.. keep it for cloning. THe plant has to be pretty mature to tell sex. Some will put it in to 12/12 so it starts showing sex. I have gained enough experience after 2 years to now be able to see the sex without putting it into...
  16. grasscropper

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    I think if you invested in a TDS metre from Ebay or Amazon you would benefit. I just bought a cheapy and it's tought me alot about my tap water, adding nutrients and then the run off. I also have a plant in hydro (DWC) to give this method a try and quite like it. I had nitrogen toxicity...
  17. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    I would stop nutrients for now and use plain water. Nutrients build up in the soil and then you start to have issues that look like deficiencies but are really toxcities. It's where I've made my biggest mistakes. I have been reading Grow Weed Easy and has some good information there. Less...
  18. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Check your other post.... I commented there as well. These plants look like they are suffering from the same issue as the others, which are photos correct?
  19. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Do you have a TDS metre total disolved solids.