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  1. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    Hahah he is a she. But yes it would be obvious with a carport. I have a set up in the crawl space for winter. But it does not compare to growing outside in summer. Two plants and someone had to wreck it for me. I see red if I think too much about it. Feel like they are sitting there laughing...
  2. grasscropper

    Best way to use Jack's Classic Fertilizer

    So every water a top per gallon?? I have a plant outside right now. Using jacks but not nearly at this level. I see she's deficient. Maybe I shall try this route.
  3. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Kind of says a lot about what this plant do for us. If they'd allow it legally. However the fact that you tried it with your dog and the results are what they are says a lot.
  4. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I just bought purple Kush seeds. Hmmm. Now I need to learn how to make the butter.
  5. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I like your dogs!! And plants. Looks nice and secluded for sure. What happened to her leg?
  6. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Yeah I feel like I fertilize and then it rains and flushes all of out.
  7. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    No Now how to you get in there to deal with the ladies!!!!! Next year maybe for me a small green house too.
  8. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    They will make it. I don't know how big a grow you have but maybe you can stake a plastic tarp over them. I know my freakishly religious neighbours would thinks wtf is that woman next door tarping only one plant in her yard ???
  9. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Me too. I have clipped garden plants to the ground with the shit on it. It stopped here so I have brought her outside. Now if it's raining and your plant has gotten soaked do you still spray for PM. Cause I need to hit it with that too and a friend of mine does as well.
  10. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Ok boys. It's raining out there and cool. I have my plant in the shed at night due to thieves in the area. This morning I opened the doors and didn't take Berta out just left the doors open for light. Think this is ok for the day today? I don't want this poor girl getting soaked and cold again...
  11. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    Thank you for siding with me. Whether I was going to get 6oz or a pound it was mine. I grew it and someone took it out of my yard. Now I won't have what I need for winter.
  12. grasscropper

    PPM/TDS meter broken?

    Having a similar issue. Trying one plant in hydro to test the method and see if I like it. Got a TDS metre from Amazon. And my tap water is reading 167. Mix my nutrient solution at 1/2 strength or less from directions. TDS reads 297 ppm. Explain this. Because I understand this to mean I need to...
  13. grasscropper

    Autoflowering, Slow grow, Yellowing top leaves.

    Thanks for the compliment. You see I don't profess to KNOW IT ALL!! I am really learning on all aspects of growing. Be it autos or not. Mine are 3 weeks today. Soil has nutes I it and I will be transplanting into their final 3g fabric pots this weekend or when I see roots out the bottoms of...
  14. grasscropper

    Autoflowering, Slow grow, Yellowing top leaves.

    From what I have read giving them just water is good for about the first 3 weeks. Then nutrients at 1/4 strength. The cotlydon leaves do die off and up to that point they are being fed by those leaves. Again from what reading I have done they don't take well to lots of nutes to transplanting. I...
  15. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Deep Water Culture. I didn't know either. Had to research it. Also known as Bubble Buckets.
  16. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    I am also trying DWC. Just one plant to see if i can manage. And to see if I find any difference.
  17. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Does cooler weather speeds up harvest time? That would be nice. In should put a couple of small ones outside. Could always finish them indoors.
  18. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    It dropped from 23 to 17 overnight here. Tomorrow is supposed to be about 8. I too have at least a month left before this girl is ready. Shed insulates her a bit. Rained like you wouldn't believe last night. I could see the branches start to droop. I need till the end of October.
  19. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Shit didn't know there was one in etobicoke. Will check out.
  20. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    That looks very nice. Where'd you get this PPP seed. I will also tag Jack the Ripper as well. I have been running one of my strains for a year or more now. Still my favourite and will keep it in the line up. Had a mishap the other night. Came home and the lights had slipped and were sitting on...