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  1. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    That's what I am looking for. Smaller plant larger yield. But aren't we all??
  2. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Yup I have two dogs and have been very comfortable in my environment. Too comfy. Yard is fenced and I was leaving my door open. Someone came through the gate and snatched the plant right off my deck. Screen was open at the time. I was in bed. I am female live alone etc. so I have put locks on...
  3. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Yes I am just trying to get a feel for growing from seed by NOT spending too much until I see how I do. I did also just ordered a feminized Deep Purple and a Romulan fem seed. Plus some autos for $15 for 10. Figured what the hell cannot go wrong. I read and read about strains that produce good...
  4. grasscropper

    How To: DWC

    I have just started one plant in a 3.5 gallon bucket to give this a try. The bucket I had is white. So I wrapped with tin foil to avoid light leaks. I must have been getting light in as I could see algae building up. Washed out the res with water and bleach etc. mixed solution again and here we...
  5. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Yes PM is on my garden plants as well. My yard has lots of trees and it feels like a rain forest after a rain. We can have humid days and then it's getting pretty cool at night. I do have some indoor going on as well. Trying one plant in hydro to see if it's worth it.
  6. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    OMG fuck that. I cannot believe it and am not looking forward to this shit. Raking leaves and then comes the shovelling. Did the leaves even have time to fall off the trees before this snow came. My niece lives in Moose Jaw. Brother in BC.
  7. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Powdery Mildew? Yes I have been treating with baking soda mixed with water and dish soap. This strain seems to be particularly susceptible. The other one that was ripped was NOT of course. I bought seeds from Vancouver Seed Bank. 10 seeds $25 which is a mixed bag of seeds. So I don't know the...
  8. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Years ago when I had horses that's the way we used to grow. God forbid we leave well enough alone. Farm is gone and it's all houses now.
  9. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    It's a gorgeous day in Ontario today. Hope it stays like this until the end of October!! Update on my Berta.
  10. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    One of mine was dead on to last year... exact same plant though as it's a clone from the last year's run. 2nd one however was a week or more later .... Let's hope we have a nice Indian summer ...
  11. grasscropper

    Any Canadian Growers?

    Ontario here.... deck plants... need the nosey neighbour camo too. I just had one ripped off right out of my yard a week ago. The one in the fabric spot. PISS ME OFF.... will post more recent pic of the one I have left as she's in full bloom. Don't know how I will work things next year ...
  12. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    I have thought about putting a note on the fence stating something along the lines 'you know what you took, but it wasn't yours to you really really KNOW what you took? could be harmful for your health, and I am watching you".
  13. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    Yes I have pondered that as well. So she's going into the shed. It's pitch in there.
  14. grasscropper

    diatomaceous earth??

    I also read you can mix 4 tablespoons with a gallon of water and spray the plants. Now as far as the above is concerned.... I am wondering if you could use one of those hand fertilizing tools.... the DE may be too fine for the unit, but if it were lined with a cheese cloth or something it may...
  15. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    Here's the yard.... where the asphalt is.. i put in a deck and a privacy fence. Now.. does anyone know what this could be...? these are plants my friend has.. clones from the one I had stolen.... I have pulled these buds apart... it isn't mold...
  16. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    I do have inside plants too. Nothing ready to go into the tent yet. Just much better plants for me outside. They look great and it's nice to tend to them out there in the summer... even if they are potted on the deck. The one that got ripped was in a 15g fabric pot... I guess I made it...
  17. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    It's great... except we probably would require a permit to put one up.. and I am in a subdivision... while it's not a tiny postage stamp lot by any means... something like this would be obvious.... A couple of plants outside on the deck go unnoticed by my neighbours etc., but any more than that...
  18. grasscropper

    Well, hopefullyI will get enough out of this plant. I was away at the beginning of the...

    Well, hopefullyI will get enough out of this plant. I was away at the beginning of the summer... so I won't be going anywhere for a while. Thanks for the compliment... probably shouldn't put my face on the site.. but isn't this supposed to be a discreet site where we can talk about what we...
  19. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    Its not the same thing... you're right. I would never poison anyone that's for sure. But bottom line is they are going to profit from that plant. That's why they took it for sure. And of course smoke it.. .given that it makes it to harvest. They need a place to keep it.. and it's stinky..and...
  20. grasscropper

    PLANTS stolen!!!!

    You know I have been thinking about leaving a message of sorts...and warning that I can see and know who they are etc. Now it seems everyone who walks by my house.. I wonder... and especially if they are young... and I lug my last plant in every night... either to the shed or my kitchen... lock...