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  1. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    not doing very well. nitrogen def in the flowering plants i believe and EVERYTHING DEF in the two plants not flowering as much. i believe i fed too many bloom nutes to the flowering plants. i fed the same mixture of nutes to the plants since they all started the same time. all along they had...
  2. growdiesel

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    here is yesterday. these are the two that are flowering more and are yellow. they arent burn and brown spotted so much like the two that arent flowering much. i fed them all the same amount the last feeding and i figured with higher nitrogen bc still using a small amount of grow (buddha grow)...
  3. growdiesel

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    my water is distilled water bought from the store ph'd every time before i pour it. i am thinking too many BLOOM nutes for a plant that was behind and was barely flowering. or barely even pre flowering... could too many bloom nutrients kill the plant like that if it were behind? bc the only...
  4. growdiesel

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    Hey guys. Can't figure this out, tried Epsom salt at 1tbsp and it seemed to help for a day or two, or they just didn't get worse. Not sure what's going wrong but hoping I can catch it and fix it right away before I lose them all. Very saddening. Haha PLEASE HELLLPPP!!! Week 6. Water ph 6.5...
  5. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    End of week 5 updated pics (on day35). Most plants have started to flower. As u can see, one plant it's a little behind. They all seem to be growing at different speeds bc one is much further ahead then the rest..
  6. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    haha about the working for me in a year. if i could make my 85k/year salary growing, id quit my day job in a heartbeat and designate two of my 12x15 spare rooms to a grow setup. I WISH. but hey... for now ill keep pluggin away at what i got. i have ten more auto seeds. ill grow them out n then...
  7. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    your plants look ridiculous. see thats where id like to be at eventually but i also dont wanna take one of my spare rooms away. already took the closet away. my next grow will be allot better n much more interesting to follow this one is an experiment to see what works best for me. i think ill...
  8. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    distilled at 6.5 and the only way to get "beast" plants is to keep growing and obtaining the experience and help from others. i figured that IS typically why people join forums to learn and chat of their grows and such... maybe im wrong... but since youre such a wizard and i am lucky to have you...
  9. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Anyone who can help.... Check the bottom leaves on this pant. Turned all yellow on just the very bottom big leaves. Maybe some of my plants have nitrogen issues???? Not sure Any suggestions. Tips of a few new leaves r turning yellow n seemed like the tips r Browning n dying. Not much but I'll...
  10. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Bought a humidifier with a humidistat. Going to set to 55%and hope that works. I'll going too put it on the floor of the grow room and just keep any plants, when they are taller, a few inches away. Humidifier is good for rooms up to 400sqft n the grow closet Is 12soft. I have faith this will...
  11. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Ok I'll deff work on humidity issue. Those pics were right after the light came back on n they are usual pretty dropped, then perk right back up. I have a humidifier in there, to the left hanging but it's not doing shit.,maybe because I have it hanging n should put it in the floor bc my exhaust...
  12. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Thanks man I don't follow with the taco action?? You mean bc they r so close together? I'm gun spread them out when I get that next light in a few days.
  13. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Changed the plants home a bit. No more tent. Now whole closet with tons of room still n I have 14 more NL auto seeds. :lol: Here are some pics of the new set up waiting on a mars 2 700watt. Will be here by Wednesday then that'll be the final touches. This Will be a LED 850 actual watt grow...
  14. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Here's the grow,currently... Any changes to be made or opinions? Silver duct to,left,front is intake from fresh air. Two clip on fans carbon filter in to right corner. Intake n ventilation both by 4" 170cfm high velocity inline fan.
  15. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Ok perfect. Thanks.
  16. growdiesel

    LED 2'x6'x8' room 10-12 plants

    i would LOOOOOOVE to do a DIY as i am into everything DIY but not a good electrician. i have been a carpenter for 12 years but plumber and electrical are OUTT haha.
  17. growdiesel

    LED 2'x6'x8' room 10-12 plants

    my current grow in the 2x3x5 tent is 22 days along. just starting pre flower as they are auto NL's ... i am looking to put a g8led450 watt dorm grow (300-360 watt draw) with a 90watt (82wat draw) ufo all red led... but i wanted to add either a 700 or 900 watt mars 2 before i finalize and start...
  18. growdiesel

    LED 2'x6'x8' room 10-12 plants

    right now i have a G8led 450watt dorm grow led, and a 90watt rr ufo red only for bloom. my current space is 2x3x5. those lights are working amazing so far... what should i add to that to be PLENTY of lighting for the bigger grow area of 2x6x8?? trying to save as much as possible otherwise id...
  19. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    ok so i would just order another set of everything i have is what you think? this will be an ADDITIONAL grow to what i have right now.
  20. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    how much LED watts would be needed for a nice yield for a 2'x5.5'x7' grow closet? going to starting putting together a second grow area.