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  1. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    ok ill stick the LED in there take out the HPS and the CFL's and see where my temps at. i am sure itll be much lower then the HPS, based on what i have been reading and watching on peoples grow logs with LED's. ill hold off on adding any additional light.
  2. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    ok thanks allot for the input. i will work on heat. LED will certainly take care of the heat but if still hot i will take out the CFL's would i be better off with adding a 90w Red LED with my new 450watt G8LED
  3. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    i am not really sure if i NEEEED the CFL's. i added them in hopes of keeping the plants more full and keeping the light down around the sides and below the canopy once the grow a little bit taller. i figured my LED or HPS (whichever i woudl be running) would have tons of light up at canopy and...
  4. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    here is an updated pic so far. day 16 from seed.
  5. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    My tent is a 2'x3'x5' and i have 5 plants going. originally with a 400watt hps and (3) 300watt CFL around the sides. adding the CFL definitely made them allot greener and more full. i have the HPS off until my LED arrives tomorrow and i am just running the CFL today and tomorrow. i have tried...
  6. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Having major heat issues. Ordered a 450watt G8LED tonight going to switch out hps with that. Should I keep my cfls in there at the bottom as side lighting??
  7. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    New today...the one is just not happy at all.,
  8. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    i will turn the HPS on fully in about a week when the temps drop and then itll be starting week 4.
  9. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    is the plant going to get confused or have any harm by turning the HPS off for those hours and only having it run HPS and CFl together for 14 hours then CFL alone for 6 hours and then fully off for 4 hours? i was running a 20/4 and now just dropped the HPS for a few extra hours. please let me...
  10. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    This is them almost two weeks in. Been 13days since they popped. Although there is that minor curling on the big leaves, they look pretty good to me, but I don't know much. Stopped the nutes fully for now and turned off my 400watt hps for 6 of the 20 hours to keep heat down during warmest part...
  11. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    o damn. ok. i wasnt sure when to start thats why i was using such a small amount. ill just continue with clean water for now until flower time then i will use the buddha bloom. thanks appreciate it.
  12. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    I am using roots organic premixed and ready to go. in 3 gallon bags
  13. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Ok thanks green217 I just want to make sure I'm starting off on the right foot. A word from the experienced is nice. Thanks again
  14. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    bc my grow is brand new it doesnt get advice? umm. haha ok makes sense somehow i guess. ill repost at week 8. would that be long enough into my grow to get replies? was just trying to keep them healthy. thanks for your help ThaProdiG . good luck to you.
  15. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    I must be posting incorrectly some how. I never get any reply at all on this forum. So if anyone can help me out n tell me what im doing to post improperly, that'd be great. Thanks
  16. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Hey what's up guys. I wanted to post a few pics since I don't know much about growing and see if these guys r on track or if the curling I see is actually curling. Please give me any advice and opinions. Started 10/27 Buddha grow 1/3 of recommended dose so far. Have 400watt hps 300watt cfl...
  17. growdiesel

    NL autoflower first grow with picture grow log

    Hey guys. i am new here. first post. firs time grower. I am at the end of week one. my seeds were planted last monday after a paper towel method germination. I had a 100% success rate with germinating as i got all 5 i attempted to germinate. my plants seem to be doing ok, but i think they may...