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  1. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    thanks for all the input guys. i will leave it the way it is with the LED thats in there right now for the first grow. indianajones.... that was a good idea about another 2x3x5 tent. i will be converting an entire close tinto a grow so when i do tha ti will take out the 2x3 tent and use that...
  2. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok? there is the link to the bag i use. i have a PH meter and i do a PH test with the liquids and such for color matching... my water i am using is distilled water witha 6.8-7.1 PH havent tested higher yet. using 3 gallon bags...
  3. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    ok my question was more towards does the all red 90wRR ufo light really boost it that much. the manufacturer and a few other si see gorwig with it use it. i ordered it anyway and i can always return it if i find no point.. my thoughts r i will take out one of my 300watt (68 tru watt) CFL's and...
  4. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    hey guys. i wanted ask for some opinions... i have my (3) 300watt cfls (68watt actual draw each) total approx 200watts. I also have my 450watt G8LED (actual draw approx 280watt) full spectrum veg/flower. i wanted to find out if there would be a whole lot of benefit for me to order a UFO all...
  5. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Much better now compared to before. They reacted well to the new LED and the watering I have them. Temps r so easy too keep them exactly where I want them now. I can always dial in 78 And maintain that.... But I want to get humidity like that, I'm 38-48 would like to be a steady 45-50%
  6. growdiesel

    The intake n venting is simple bc already set up that way pretty much. Just have to move where...

    The intake n venting is simple bc already set up that way pretty much. Just have to move where my actually intake fan is. The plants looked their worst under the HPS and I'm assuming that was only due to the heat. But I'll keep switching up until I have it right,
  7. growdiesel

    Yea man pretty sure I get it. I'll take a look when I get home today and see if I can swap...

    Yea man pretty sure I get it. I'll take a look when I get home today and see if I can swap everything around again this weekend.
  8. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Ok cool. Bc It seemed to have started with one plant and now a few have them.,I'll keep and eye on them. Tips aren't yellow just spots on leaves, I was thinking maybe from accidentally pouring the nutes onto leaves maybe they got burned Bc it sat on them until dry.
  9. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Don't know why it posted it like that my bad.
  10. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    What do you think the reason is that these leaves are yellow In spots?? Could Ur be from nute burn from a well ago. Haven't fed nutes since. Just fresh water
  11. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    I am venting from the closet through the ceiling and in the attic, out one of the eves in my roof. I am intaking cold fresh air from an eve on opposite sides,of,attic. (sometimes to cold so I disconnect to draw air from room closet is in., but outside closet) Both 4" high velocity inline...
  12. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Reason for removing my 400watt hps Is bc of heart issues. I couldn't get the heat where I wanted it and the plants were getting very sick. So far so good with the new LED and cfls as side lighting. My next grow I'll be taking the tent down n using that entire closet it's in as a grow closet...
  13. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

  14. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Ok. I will drop it down now. It Will still hit all 5 plants n cover for print of the tent you think?
  15. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Right now I have it at about 23". How close should I put it, the website and package I got it in said for my model it should b 20-30"away. I have it attached to and adjustable ratchet strap so I can lower it down any distance...... Just want to make sure I'm getting the correct light spread to...
  16. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Funny your say that bc after I posted that I walked down n said to my wife, I should have taken them 4 hours ago when they looked worse. I said I truly think they look better already but maybe I'm crazy n she laughed.... So yea I guess they aren't terrible. But check out the left two, very...
  17. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Left two plants inn the group of 5 are the ones not looking to great. Deff sick. I took a pic of my current inside of tent with filter top right, intake down left front side LED hanging center and cfls still on for now n on 3 corners trying not to block LED at all.
  18. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Got my LED in around 4. It's now 830 and temps have been staying around 75. Going to have to turn inline fan down on the cooler nights here or pull air from the room next door instead of from outside. Plants were looking c like crap in my opinion. Baddddd drooping. Pretty sure it's under...
  19. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    light had been ordered. it would not make much sense at all to add any fans. my tents in a closet thats the main issue with my heat. i have two clip on fans 6" and a 16" oscillating fan. along with two high velocity inline fans. so adding fans is something id have to disagree with. i believe as...
  20. growdiesel

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    awesome ill take a look at that. how do i get some more height out of these NL's? arent they a bit short for 2.5 weeks? cfl's are about 6 inches away and HPS 400watt is 20" ill be switching the hps with my G8LED 450w tonight when it arrives. still going sot stick with a 20/4 light cycle.