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  1. Y

    How do you use a PPM meter for nutes?

    I use a chinese knockoff the HANA PPM meter, cheap and precise. I dont see a reason why you should by the expensive ones unless you want to grow pro.
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    Question about vegging.

    nope - thats the seedling stage. The vegging stage starts when the seedling gets its true leaves.
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    Who/what is gnawing my leaves?

    I really dont think I have a pest issue. I have checked the plants through the mag. glass and it does looks strange, but I dont see 'mines'. When thinking about how I found this (I turn the plants now and then to give them even lighting as long as they are not near the screen), I wonder if the...
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    Who/what is gnawing my leaves?

    Aaaargh, wtf, how the f%#¤ did the fuckers find their way into my garage and into closet. I'm gonna look into it tomorrow and see if I can see anything with my magnifying glass. I guess removing the fan leaves that are infested is my only choice and I need to secure my air inlet i guess.
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    Who/what is gnawing my leaves?

    That was my second guess. Stoned, I take it?
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    Who/what is gnawing my leaves?

    Thx - I have never heard of these buggers. I have read a bit about them now, dont you think the 'mines' are too thick for leaf miners?
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    Who/what is gnawing my leaves?

    Hi guys. My plants have just recovered from a blunder of accidentally turning off the air pump and things were great, there was much rejoicing and inappropriate touching of leaves in my garage. I noticed 4 days ago that the plants started stinking big time and they were coated by an almost...
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    Help! Short and bushy sativa hybrid?

    I have checked the roots regularily and they are nice and white, no goey stuff or brown areas at all. PH levels are also nice and stable and the ppms are at about 1000. Wonder what strain i've gotten, I was hoping for a cerebral sativa high :)
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    Help! Short and bushy sativa hybrid?

    You know, I think you are right about the aeration, I had accidentally turn off the air pump for a good 6-7 hours a couple of days ago. That may be just it, today they are less droopy :D It is still quite bushy and the leaves are quite thick for a sativa as you point out. I am quite sure they...
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    Double Harvest

    Uncle Ben and lilroach have me convinced. I was wondering what to do with a very bushy sativa dom. hybrid, and now I am def. going to leave the leafs on there and train them in my scrog (I have limited overhead space). Def. going to harvest twice if necessary. Thx guys.
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    Help! Short and bushy sativa hybrid?

    Based on all the valuable input I have recieved since yesterday, I've decided to try to train them instead of pruning them, as far as I could read these should do a big stretch when I flower them. Some argue that low and bushy vegging helps on the yields later and the strains here stretch...
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    Help! Short and bushy sativa hybrid?

    Hi all. I wonder if its the strain, my close lighting or what it is, but I have a very short and very bushy/leafy plant and the other ones I germed 2½ weeks later are looking similar. They are Honey B and Laughing Buddha from Barneys and the pictures i've seen of them dont look anything like...
  13. Y

    Is it possible to germinate directly in DWC bucket?

    I have 100 % germination success by dwc. No hand watering, no paper towels, cups of water or anything. Just placed the seeds 1-2 cm in a small rockwool cube that was ph'ed and shaken a couple of times and put into my DIY hydropropagator. Works like a charm every time. I have even done this in...
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    tall seedlig after mistakes

    I had that issue as well. I didn't expect the seedlings to pop out of the rockwool so soon, so I hadnt turned on the lights. The fix is to bury the stem when you transplant it to your larger net pot. Otherwise just bury it deeper into your medium if you are not going to transplant. After a...
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    Heat issues

    I got a cool tube and bought an MH while I was at it. Whilst installing the sucker I realised that the air flow seemed to be blowing instead of sucking. Noob that I am I had accidentally reversed the air flow when I put it in the tech room and the arrows weren't visible. Muahaha - well now I...
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    Heat issues

    I think you are right on the size. Some grow shop wanker convinced me to buy a 400 watt, I wanted to go 250 watts but he kept talking about yield differences and shit. I have an incognito grow cabinet set up in my garage in a nice neighbourhood and I am only growing for my own pleasure, so I...
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    Heat issues

    Thx! I am using two 40 watt 6700k CFL, which were meant as a supplement, but currently they are my primary. I think the growth is a bit slower than I expected, so I really wanted to speed things up a bit. From what you're writing, I think i'll drop in some extra CFL's and see if I doesn't help...
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    Heat issues

    So its just bogus to have bought an HPS for both grow and flower? You do follow that the bulb is an agro version with extra blue in it?
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    Heat issues

    Thank you! Do you think it would be a problem to run the hps with 30/45 min intervals? I dont want to mess up my current grow or the bulb, the CFL are still doing their job to some extent :)
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    Heat issues

    This is my first post, I have read a lot of good advice and posts in here and hope to get some replies quickly :O) This is my set up: Grow cab size (covered in mylar from top to bottom, air tight and isolated with 0,4 inch styrofoam) 5 ft height (1,5 foot is used for tech room + propagation...