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  1. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Why thank u, im glad since u and my hubby talk a lot, so its great that u like me :D
  2. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    I will u tell u my story, ive been with my hubby since I was 16 and well of course I lost my virginity to him, I came out straight to him and said hey I love u, I will never cheat but im a women and I wanna feel other cocks other than urs, he was so intrigued that I said this because its led us...
  3. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    I agree with u completely, u cant have a good relationship unless u can freely discuss sex with ur partner, for all u know she could be hating it but doing because she thinks u like it, also being able to freely talk one makes u guys have a better relationship and two there is less chance of...
  4. S3love

    Couture Marijuanna Dress Design

    I think its absolutely wonderful, I could definitely see someone wearing this on the red carpet, ive designed my own dresses but never tried making one, dont even know where to start
  5. S3love


    Ur work is amazing, I was so suprised when u said it took 15min, it is so impressive, anytime I do art it always takes me hours to do, I guess I just try to be so accurate
  6. S3love

    Should women be required to...

    U summed it up perfectly, right on
  7. S3love

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    Omg I love the lil rotti pup, my hubby use to have rotti, she was a wonderful dog, even though she was like 17 she had the energy of a pup
  8. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Come on gives us the details, pretty please with a cherry ontop :)
  9. S3love


    Hahaha yea totally agree, dont worry if they came after me, I have nothing at all they wont find crap all hahahaha
  10. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Props to u
  11. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Hahahaha thats an awesome story
  12. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Not my steel toe work shoes hahahahaha either bare feet because my curl when I orgasm hard, hard to do in shoes, or I wear one of my many pairs of cfm heels
  13. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Hahahahahahahaha so ur basically saying u sucked ur own cock, so im very interested did u suck until u exploded and if u did, did u swallow if so I give u tons of props I dont know any man who would swallow their own cum, did u ever take pics would love to c hahahahaha
  14. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Well since u had already started I hope u continued and was like ok fuck it getting sucked by a dude otherwise I think it would be a waste hahahahahahahahaha ur story made me laugh I love it
  15. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    By far him, he has been doing it alot longer than me, he actually introduced me to this wonderful world, see mom kept me under a rock basically wasnt allowed to do anything, met hubby when 16 been together ever since
  16. S3love

    What Are You Wearing??

    oh that sounds wonderful, that will be really nice
  17. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    StonedFarmer is my hubby
  18. S3love

    What Are You Wearing??

    Damn sign me up, I would definitely be growing some plants, holy crap I cant believe its 200 acres
  19. S3love

    Ass-play girl in appt 13...

    Hahahahahahaha I dont think so unless it went deep inside where u were like oh god hahahahahahahaha
  20. S3love

    Should women be required to...

    Hahahahahahaha I never new that ur not kidding when u said u learn something new everyday :D