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  1. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Lol nude pics are fine I think, it's just the dirty nude ones that aren't, like when they didn't clean out the middle and there's a bunch of moldy leaves and spidermites....:spew:
  2. Soilgrownsmile

    2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

    Yum that dirty dirty
  3. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

  4. Soilgrownsmile

    Well water for outdoor grow

    Ro system
  5. Soilgrownsmile

    Rooftop SE Asia

    Pro mix?
  6. Soilgrownsmile

    2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

    Go for 4 lbs
  7. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Ruby drink some milk
  8. Soilgrownsmile

    Are 5 pounders possible getting started this late?

    Tws vegges for 3 years before moving to kiddie pools... *under 10 watt cfls @TWS Maybe not
  9. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

  10. Soilgrownsmile

    Outside with Twisted 2016

    Stones expensive ,why not just amend the soil beneath , your plants might just love you for it *just my 2Cents
  11. Soilgrownsmile

    Outside with Twisted 2016

    Worm castings good stuff, not sure how into organic you are
  12. Soilgrownsmile

    Outside with Twisted 2016

    Mtg, they havnt let me down yet, ty
  13. Soilgrownsmile

    Outside with Twisted 2016

    Orange creamsicle wants out
  14. Soilgrownsmile

    Outside with Twisted 2016

    Under the awning that means you should use kiddie pools , doooo it :lol:
  15. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Don't get banned shit
  16. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Tws likes your avatar, you got him all excited
  17. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    lol sorry, lost all my good foam when I took the pic , if it was beer my spling would b all fucked up lol
  18. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    They work great as lube
  19. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

  20. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Hahahahaha ornery little bastards