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  1. Mr John

    PIA Adjusting PH

    Could be old PH down, I have some on the way. I also bought 7.0 PH cal solution just to make sure my meter is cal'd, (also put in new batteries you never know)
  2. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Starting week 2 and they are starting to really grow good now. Lots of new growth, one c99 the lower leaves are curling under a bit, this might be from my really low RH, a humidifier is on the way to help. This IG420 is really putting out some light, I have faith enough to go from 5 plants to 8...
  3. Mr John

    PIA Adjusting PH

    Good question guys. My first batch of I added the nutes first because I wanted to see how the floranova nutes affected PH. It brought it down some (trying to remember I think it did lower but only to 6.5 or so) then I added the PH down and could not for the life of me get it down under 6 without...
  4. Mr John

    PIA Adjusting PH

    Hi all, Ok using my tap water cause my outdoor pipes are frozen and cannot use my RO system just yet. My tap water PPM are 97-120 and Ph is 7.2 - 7-6. I am trying to lower it to 5.2 - 5.8 range for use in my Ebb/Flow system. I am having a hell of a time bringing the water down to even 6.0...
  5. Mr John

    Seedling light cycles

    Doing 20/4 right this very moment and the ladies are doing fine
  6. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Thanks Urban! Great link, just got done reading the articles. Going shopping for a humidifier tomorrow, when I was planning my garden many months ago (was working in Afghanistan) had allot of time to think. Well TBH I was very close to buying a dehumidifier! Living in the cool rainy PNW who...
  7. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Greengenes707 that AT600 looks sick! Did you buy it to replace the IG? Yea everything fits real nice with my ebb/flow garden being the same dimensions as the light (actually the garden is not as wide as the light so that is good as my canopy grows all the ladies will still be under direct...
  8. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Thank you Abiqua for the welcome and advice. Are you using a humidifier to get your RH up to that range? Oh is that outdoor RH or indoor? Will be nice when the cold snap moves on and the typical rainy (warmer) weather moves back in, I am curious to see what my RH will be then. Good info on the...
  9. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    PS Just want to comment on the Indigro 420 lights. These things are the real deal man, I can just tell my ladies are gonna love this light. It is kicking out more heat than my Lumigrow 325 was but nothing near what a 600w would be putting out. I feel I made a great investment on the IG. Will...
  10. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Scar not as cold as you but we are hitting 13f tonight, cold enough for here!
  11. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Please can some of you experts comment on the low RH? It is always in the 20's. Freaking out kinda because I am near Tacoma and the outside RH is usually 80+. I was worried about high RH but in reality my house is dry as shit! Do I need to increase the RH???? Please advise
  12. Mr John

    Battery Powered 730nm Initiators and Micro Cabs

    I just read it in one of my 3 MJ grow books that those far red spectrum's do help even at just a few minutes. Just can remember which book it was in, Ed Rosenthals maybe.. But anyway it is documented and apparently not a new trick but one that has been around for sometime.
  13. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Some pics of my first and brand new garden. Seedling are just over a week old. Loving that IG 420 with pontoons! (Thank you Darryl and IG). What do you guys/Gals think of my low RH. Is this a problem for growing later on?
  14. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Guys got some seedling off to a descent start. Got the tap roots poking out of the grow plug, are they ready for transfer to the hydro garden? If not how long should I wait? Also it that RH Ok to grow, seems low to me. Also getting my 420 light tomorrow! Missed FedEx today dammit.
  15. Mr John

    Are my males worthless?

    need a closer view but from what I see looks you got males
  16. Mr John

    I thought i was going to get bigger buds... :(

    While your ladies are hopefully recovering read up on how to grow buddy! Your plants are gonna need allot more attention when they start to flower, and need different nutes to boot. Do you know how to sex the plants? You don't want to waste your time growing boys do you? Read read read!
  17. Mr John

    Is there any saving them?

    What Chuck says about the calmag. You need to add it distilled/RO water as it gets filtered out. Never heard about the neg ion thing, will do do reading up and learn myself about it.
  18. Mr John

    I NEED HELP. I dont whats wrong.

    Pictures if you can
  19. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    For those interested new vertical light system looks like it was just released today. Pro-420-VPARVertical Plant Lighting Systems
  20. Mr John

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Just invested in the 420/pontoon combo yesterday and it is on the way. I got cold feet about LED and looking to sell my 325w light. Anyway, gonna post up my setup and strains here soon. Would appreciate advice and comments along the way. I have 6 seedlings started and want to make sure they get...