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  1. [BionicChronic]

    pics of both my females=]

    she is doing great=]:mrgreen:
  2. [BionicChronic]

    pics of both my females=]

    damn i would llove to see all of them. sounds great. post some pics up in here. ill post some of my female right now.:blsmoke:
  3. [BionicChronic]

    pics of both my females=]

    hell ya. i cant wait man. even kno ill only get a few grams off it but still ya kno. its my own shit i grew. im totally stoked. hows your grow goin?:evil::peace::mrgreen:
  4. [BionicChronic]

    BIGGER,BADDER, CFL'S are bad ass[ new pics]

    fuckin nice bro. nice dude.
  5. [BionicChronic]

    bright orange flying bugs.....

    well its not alot of them. its just one. wtf is it? i never seen something like it before? with big bug eyes. im trippin....what is it gonna do if i dont kill it? cuz i only seen it once and then it like disapears=[ what is gonna happen? what is it? can someone tell me??????:peace:
  6. [BionicChronic]

    Lowryder #2 bed grow

    nice grow. no nutes no nothing but tapp water and soil. grow some bud man. nice grow.
  7. [BionicChronic]

    Check Out My Lady

    dude that plant is sickkk cuzzoo. props and good luck man. hopefully you cure her with love=] she will be a pleasent smoke=]
  8. [BionicChronic]

    ace1059's garden, first grow

    ya man. we should chat some time. if you got msn or aim? hit me up sometime.
  9. [BionicChronic]

    ace1059's garden, first grow

    okay man. this is how my dad taugh me how to do it. every 2 weeks outta the flowering stage lower it a hour. from 12 to 11 then to 10 then to 9 then 8. once you get at 8 leave it at 8. trust me. more darkness gives it more time for the buds to get fatter. my dad has been growing since i was like...
  10. [BionicChronic]

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    man wheres them hairs at boi=] haha. my topped one is shootin hairs like crazy
  11. [BionicChronic]

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    nice going buddy boi!=]
  12. [BionicChronic]

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    thats a nice one there jason. sweet female=]
  13. [BionicChronic]

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    damn thats a bummer. there gourgous males tho
  14. [BionicChronic]

    okay. i need somehelp plz...PICS

    thats all the thc crystals right???so does it look good for my first grow?
  15. [BionicChronic]

    okay. i need somehelp plz...PICS

    well theres about a total of like 12000 lumens on here.
  16. [BionicChronic]

    okay. i need somehelp plz...PICS

    i got over 600 watts on her=]
  17. [BionicChronic]

    okay. i need somehelp plz...PICS

    :mrgreen: so should i? :peace::peace:
  18. [BionicChronic]

    okay. i need somehelp plz...PICS

    i will post more pics up of the middle...
  19. [BionicChronic]

    okay. i need somehelp plz...PICS

    okay. my plant is like 39 days into flower and well theres all these lil baby leafs in between the fan leafs blocking light. all help from you guys would be apprieciated. thanks=] :mrgreen:
  20. [BionicChronic]

    Check Out My Lady

    i wanna see some updates=]