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  1. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    Haha, "miser", what, do you want a freakin bozo button or something? Am i supposed to give you props or a pat on the back? Wheres the thumbs up button? You relentlessly force this P def theory down my throat yet have no conclusion as to why its happening.....i already politely asked you to...
  2. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    Still doesn't explain why one group looks that way and the other doesn't when i'm feeding them all the same amount of nute/water feedings with same soil mix. As I mentioned before, these are all from same clone, skunkberry. My best guess is still going to be herbicide spray from the planes...
  3. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    I agree it's a site specific problem. But the soil is the same in both plots, I dug out 3ft deep by 2ft wide, pitched the soil and added my own soil mix. I used muscatine rich top soil with micho, perlite, mushroom and cow compost, worm casting and guano as my mix. Both plots have the...
  4. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    Thanks for the advice Veg, by any chance do you have any experience with pesticides or herbicides? Or possibly have read about the effects agricultural chems like that have on marijuana plants? I'm going to water tomorrow and throw in some cal mag, hoping its just MG def, but still doesn't...
  5. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    Soil, as I already stated. It's summer, night temps are not cold enough to be causing it to purple. My soil and water both were tested before planting, no lime was needed to adjust Ph, similar soils in both plots. As I said before, both plots receive the same water and nutrient amounts from...
  6. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    The genetics are Skunkberry and do have some purple tendencies, but that's when it's late in flower. My plants are STILL vegging. Preflower starts in another next week or two. And that still wouldn't explain why one plot of SB looks normal and healthy and the other location looks fooked.
  7. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    Cobyb, thanks for the response, maybe you didnt read it, but I have another plot of this same Skunkberry growing in a separate location and it looks great. Same feeding schedule, same nutes and similar sun light throughout the day. i just can't explain how one group looks stellar and the...
  8. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    Here's a thought I just had. The plot i am having problems with is about thirty yards from a cornfield with prairie grass set aside separating the two. The leaf beetles were thick in the corn this summer so farmers in the area have had to resort to ariel spraying. Do you think drift from...
  9. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    They are due for water tommorow, i'll add in some call mag. I should have mentioned before that i am feeding them with guano tea, using mexican, peruvian and jamaican guanos with kelp and molasses. The water i use is from the creek, has been tested and is pristine so i really have no doubts...
  10. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    I have some skunkberry in veg growing outdoor and planted in the ground. They are all between three and five foot and will begin pre flowering in the next couple weeks. I have two groups of them in separate locations and while one group looks great, the other has some problems. In the past...
  11. Freda Felcher

    Illinois 2010 grow help

    I know this is an old thread, BUT, I get disturbed when I see peeps saying Illinois sucks for growing. The upper 2/3 of this state has some of the best growing soil around. I like to add some perlite, mych, compost manure and a few others. The soil is black gold in most parts of the farm...
  12. Freda Felcher

    Light question for indoor veg room for outdoor crop?

    I do what I do, not what You do, Vostok. I learned it on RIU years before you arrived here two months ago.
  13. Freda Felcher

    I want to grow outside but flower earlier

    You have time to grow autoflower seeds if you order them now. Good luck
  14. Freda Felcher

    Tried a new germanation method

    Nice idea, petert! Eliminates any chance of frying the seeds. I always soak for a day then place in a wet paper towel, bag it up and set it on the cable box. I learned it from peeps on RIU years ago, the example when I learned it was on a VCR. Ya'll remember VHS tapes?! lol old school
  15. Freda Felcher

    Light question for indoor veg room for outdoor crop?

    That makes no sense at all.... It Matters A Lot! Otherwise you get hermies or they bud out early when they should be vegging. What I like to do is determine what date(approx.) I am going to transplant outdoors. Then I look up the sun tables for my specific region. The sun table will show...
  16. Freda Felcher

    Time to transfer??

    Yeah, just keep them under 24/7 light for the time being. Get a fluorescent light with a blue spectrum and high kelvin rating(6,000 is perfect). They sell 4 foot hanging strip lights for $10 bucks at home depot, tubes are another couple bucks. Cheep investment that will go a long way for you...
  17. Freda Felcher

    Sexxing, Space management question

    Yep, fuckin dry pussy gets ya no where fast! Love that analogy, SNAKE, +1 for you:) Just an example ( without a cool analogy). I vegged some AK47's for 3 months, the next batch I vegged 2 months and didn't get half of what I harvested first batch. A third less veg time made a difference of a...
  18. Freda Felcher

    Dank & Other Growers Side by Side Grow.

    I'm in! Hope I'm not too late:) Here's a few Connie Chungs I'm putting under 12/12 very soon! I grew this stuff outdoor last fall(good smoke!), these are the offspring from the seeds I gathered. I really haven't looked at the rules yet, hope this counts! Just glad to be here ya'll:)
  19. Freda Felcher

    Sexxing, Space management question

    I missed this reading before that you're only 2.5 weeks in. They need at least a month or so to reach maturity before they show sex. I'm sure theres an exception to this, but normally its at least four weeks. If you get impatient after that time you can try my suggestion or Snakes idea was...
  20. Freda Felcher

    Sexxing, Space management question

    Yes, I have tried it. I wanna do a side by side test someday. Maybe that can be my 'side by side' addition to your thread:)