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  1. Freda Felcher

    Perfect scissors.

    The Fiskars scissors and other like them have a small spring that helps alleviate hand fatigue after hours of pruning/trimming/manicuring. The ones you have pictured are small, light and agile, but without a spring, your hand will cramp after an hour or so. I like the Fiskars because they are...
  2. Freda Felcher

    Perfect scissors.

    With a spring those would be perfect.
  3. Freda Felcher

    ready or not?

    .One thing you can do is take more pictures with the Big Bud and the AK 48 labeled so we know what is what. I grew true AK 47 from Serious Seeds a few years back, some phenos took as long as 12 to 13 weeks to finish. Those flowering durations the seed company's give are estimates, not rule of...
  4. Freda Felcher

    ready or not?

    One common mistake many growers make is as soon as they see the beginning stages of flowering, they start a countdown of days til harvest. There is normally an "inbetween" transition period from veg to flower. I wait until I can really see some stretch and the bud sites multiply and start to...
  5. Freda Felcher

    ready or not?

    Some of the fan leaves look browned on the edges possibly from a deficiency? Other than that they look good but still need a few weeks to mature and add density. I would guess another three or four weeks off what I see there. Oh yeah, if you can, take some pics under different lighting. The...
  6. Freda Felcher

    Butterfly Monsters

    Do you even deal with moths or budworms? It's sounding more and more like NO. They start to lay their eggs as soon as buds start to form and all the way through the flowering season for most growers. You would already know this had you dealt with them in the past. Telling a grower that all...
  7. Freda Felcher

    Butterfly Monsters

    But, when you have an infestation of bud worms, the mantis is no help, because the worms are already imbedded deep inside the colas. The moths in my area come in droves. Hundreds will lay eggs overnight from what i have found. No mantis can keep up with that. Even if they did somehow eat bud...
  8. Freda Felcher

    Butterfly Monsters

    Your right, i didn't take location into consideration when saying that. My bad.
  9. Freda Felcher

    Butterfly Monsters

    They are good for summer, but not fall, Praying mantis cannot survive in the cold. I usually see them until mid September and then they succumb to cold. Further more, the Mantis is no help when it comes to bud worms. The worms are burrowed into the bud and stem, far out of reach for the...
  10. Freda Felcher

    good to harvest?

    LOL! Reminds me of a saying my cousin says when i call him out for having a baby dick. " I'm a grower not a show-er!"
  11. Freda Felcher

    Butterfly Monsters

    The butterfly's and moths lay eggs on the buds and the larvae can cause a lot of havoc. I just got done pulling moth worm larvae and poop out of the buds. When i know they are already infesting I rotate spraying Monteray Garden Spinosad and BT every three or four days. I check all the buds as...
  12. Freda Felcher

    Lets Share Pics An Talk Bout Harvest Time!?!

    Ragie, your plants look awesome:) Looks like they are getting close! What strains are you running?
  13. Freda Felcher

    Rain beat down my plant...should I pull?

    I meant to add, with the rain and cooler weather, make sure to be checking for mold, rot and mildew and shake your plants off after the rain. I normally find that my plants need longer than expected or predicted to finish out. I think you mentioned the plant is ten days out, let it go at least...
  14. Freda Felcher

    Leaves changing colour

    Yellowing fan leaves is normal towards the end of flowering, it's one of several signals the plant gives you to let you know it's getting close.
  15. Freda Felcher

    Rain beat down my plant...should I pull?

    Prop a branch up, tie the branch to a branch on the opposite side and they hold each other up. Continue this all the way up and down the plant. Then wrap some more string or rope around the plant several times for added support.
  16. Freda Felcher

    Seeking professional advice... summed up story

    Yep, those bud worms totally suck. Next year go preventative and hit your plants with Bt early and often. I didn't start Bt til the third week of bloom after seeing some damage. Wish I would have been spraying it from the start. Picking worms and poop out of fat nugs is depressing. The bud...
  17. Freda Felcher

    Broke my main stem

    Duct tape would even work, but I prefer using zip ties and a thin sturdy stick as a splint.
  18. Freda Felcher

    How much longer?

    They look really close to ready. I would go with Sands suggestion and piece it out limb by limb over the next week or two.
  19. Freda Felcher

    Drying in a Quick Cure mesh Drying Rack

    Yes, those do work well for drying. I trim fan leaves and hang dry the branches for a few days, then trim and place them onto the mesh hangers for the final dry before cure. Good ventilation and use of space.