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  1. Freda Felcher

    when the chopper spots a grow question

    Coincidental flight path maybe, how high off the ground was it flying? If it didn't stop and hover or double back over, I wouldn't sweat it.
  2. Freda Felcher

    DIY tripwire alarm

    That's some Macgyver shit right there! Right on!
  3. Freda Felcher

    READY or NOT

    No, they have several weeks left and a lot more filling in to do. You will know its close when your fan leaves yellow, trichs turn cloudy to amber and the red hairs recede and get consumed by bud swell. When it all comes together and they have this look that tells you they are ready to...
  4. Freda Felcher

    Harvest Time !!!!

    I'm sorry, I was so caught up in gerking it to your Purple Porn pictures that I missed where you mentioned it was Grape Ape. So frosty! Well done!
  5. Freda Felcher

    First time grower in So. Oregon

    Nice plants! I enjoyed the video too! You should do a part2 video at harvest:)
  6. Freda Felcher

    $20 or less grow

    My mom uses fish parts in a lot of her flower pots and such. But she found that if you just stick an intact dead fish in there, you reap no nutritional rewards til at least a year later. It needs time to break down and decompose to release the nutrients contained in the dead fish. She now...
  7. Freda Felcher

    How much longer do you think? -Shaman

    From the looks of it you could start flushing now and maybe harvest soon, what kind is it and how long has it been flowering?
  8. Freda Felcher

    Flower time sour diesel

    Beautiful plant btw.
  9. Freda Felcher

    Flower time sour diesel

    Plan on at least 75 to 80 days or ten to twelve weeks.
  10. Freda Felcher

    Harvest Time !!!!

    Beautiful purple flowers! What kind is it?
  11. Freda Felcher

    Harvesting too early\too late?

    From looking at the pictures and what i have experienced with sativas, you have a month to go, at least. Do you possibly have a trustworthy friend, family member, partner, associate etc to care-take over the plant while you're recovering? That Jack is off to a great start btw:)
  12. Freda Felcher

    drying and curing outdoor

    It depends on your climate and weather at the time of harvest. I do hang dry some of my buds outdoors IF the weather permits. Most years its too rainy and cold around here but I get lucky some years. If I get a dry window at harvest, i will hang them outside in a dark and well ventilated area...
  13. Freda Felcher

    What's your coldest temps so far ?

    A week or two back we had a few nights dip into the thirties here in Illinois. My NL and Blueberry's are both getting some purple and bluish hues to them as a result. The average night temps for the next two weeks will be in the 50's. My question is whether the color hues will keep coming out...
  14. Freda Felcher

    Help me out please. Want to know if I am close?

    That OG looks fabulous! Nice work so far:) I zoomed in on the last picture and could see a few amber trichs mixed in, so it's getting close. Let em fill for another week or two. Remember that after harvest, they will need a week or so to dry. It may taste green and and harsh so soon after...
  15. Freda Felcher

    How far till cutting?

    Those first two look close, but look like they have more filling potential if left un cut another week or two. I had some last year that looked about like that, chopped one and let one keep going another two weeks because the amber was coming in slooooow. No exaggeration, they swelled and...
  16. Freda Felcher

    How far till cutting?

    Look at the grocery store for Grandmas Black Strap Molasses. A jar should be about $5. Make sure it's blackstrap and does not contain sulfer. I normally add 1 tablespoon per gallon of water for watering, feeding and flush. I'm not sure starting it now would help your grow any, being so close...
  17. Freda Felcher

    good outdoor security cam for under$150?please help!

    I use Cuddeback and Spypoint game cameras. Both company's have affordable models for what you are looking for. I just bought a new spypoint digital noflash for $145. It has motion and heat sensors, night vision with no flash and has both picture and video options. After getting a camera...
  18. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    I'm going straight water today, by advice from a old timer on here who experienced the same shit two years ago, thanks again for the PM Bowldg! Being the plants cannot uptake certain nutes, it would only harm them puting more phosphorous on now. I will know soon enough. There is really...
  19. Freda Felcher

    Purple under fan leaves and all stems

    I deleted those comments out of respect for you and went another step and apologized. And what's with the tagging me thing? Is this like facebook for you? Are you still mad because I didn't give you a "Like"? Is that what this is, shameless "Like" mongering? Are you counting up your...
  20. Freda Felcher

    Should I be worried?

    My Vortex used to do that on the bigger fan leaves. Plants look really good though, sorry for being a dick earlier.