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    Moving To California!!! Advice and Comments.

    Yeah i guess men riding bicycles in public stark naked in front of children is pretty awesome.......if your a fucking PED! lol
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    Moving To California!!! Advice and Comments.

    born & raised in sactown....still here.... My advice to anybody moving here from any state OTHER than! Ca for the most part is a PIECE OF SHIT!....luckily for you, your moving from the only state id say that is shittier than cali, so welcome sboard & enjoy the stay lol...
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    Guinea Pig for a new soil mix, not going so well but I suppose it could be worse!

    Drainage......anybody who doesnt add perlite to theyre mix in pots......i would NOT take advice from. I dont see any perlite in those pots.
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?

    Or not enough molasses....which i hope not cuz that hi brix stuff is killin me....
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?

    rock dust comes with worm castings i use....its actually a worm cast rock dust & kelp combo. Im thinking i may not have enough air....
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?

    Ive had it brewing since noon....i feel like this stuff should be a lot foamier if i remember doesnt i dont think its anarobic....but it isnt exactly frothy either....not enough molasses? I did 4 cups.....
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?

    Ok so heres what i did today... 55 gal drum full of water 5 gal paint strainer Approx 3 lbs of chicken shit (from coop) 4 lbs of alaskan forrest humice 3Lbs of vermiblend 3Lbs of worm castings I remember reading an article or watching a video last year that says to wait 24hrs before feeding...
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?

    Other than molasses....what are people using to bring up theyre sugar count? Ive seen shit advertised "make your bud taste like candy"
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?

    Ive read a little about fulvic acids however my grip of understanding on it is still moot, can i get a little insight on the benefits...
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    Miracle Grow Shake 'n Feed

    Better tell all the human that have been organicly gardening since the beginning of time that its dangerous...
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?

    Oh yeah ill be using guanos also.............
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    Miracle Grow Shake 'n Feed

    Dude.....keep the miracle grow for the flower garden. Id rather piss on my plants than use that shit....
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    Other than the one we got.....ive never seen anything even close to it.....& ive seen a few. Even after comming online ive only seen 1 or 2 people post pics of the legit cut.
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    Aerated Compost Teas Anybody?

    So in previous years ive invested in a lot of ingredients. Some ill admit i didnt even know why i was using Im going to take a more simple approach this time. -vermiblend -earthworm castings -alaskan humice -kelp (or liquid seaweed) -molasses What do you guys use? Whats your...
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    Will a 2 cubic ft bag of soil fill 4, 5 gallon pots

    cutting it real may need 2