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  1. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    Hey guys, I took some new pics this morning. All from the smaller room, as the lights were flipped to the big room. ;-) These girls are almost at week 5! Im interested what you guys think? Close up! Top View Sweet Bud! Still Growing! sea of green elephants! Looking good! one...
  2. G

    Is this place all tents and Box's?

    Hey guy's, Im looking to see more real grows here. I wanna switch over to hydro very soon, and am always looking for new idea's, but all im seeing is little box's, tents and PC Box's! Anyone running large rooms out there?? Really, i cant learn from a kid with 6- cfl's in an old pc box, using a...
  3. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    I will try and find out. It was passed down (in clone form) from buddy, ro buddy, to buddy......
  4. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    yep, its on week 5 now.... and the smaller rooms buds are anything but airy. they are ROCK HARD nugs! they are filling out more and more every day, and i think i'll hit them with approx a 500 ppm feeding on the next one, and then begin flushing, with a possible cut down at 7 weeks give or...
  5. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    yeah, it looks sativa, but ill tell ya, its indica. it stays very short, and buds very fast! the smell is citrus like, like fruit loops on steroids! here are some updates, the big room's buds are really starting to swell up now as well! the small rooms pics arn't the best, as the lines in the...
  6. G

    Best Setup?

    BTW, its "Induction", not "Indicator"..... and to the OP, why not just use HPS? there's nothing like the tried and true HPS for budding. If its just a couple plants go with a 600, and for more, and if you have the room/ventilation, go with a 1000, IMO. scrap all that other stuff, hell, for one...
  7. G

    DIY airstones that never need replacing

    seriously? read the whole thread again, its been answered.
  8. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    buddy gave us a mother plant, clones were then taken.... amazingly fast growing, short, sweet....:-)
  9. G

    Need advice with a beginners setup

    im going to move over to hydro in the near future, but plan on going with a simple flood and drain bed, Im using beds with netpots and a soiless mix already, all i need to do is a little conversion work.
  10. G

    Thoughts/Reviews on Bluelab Dosetronic Solenoid Kit

    wow. i like it. i hope to be doing something like this in the future..... ;-)
  11. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    wow. its crazy. the girls in the small room certainly look like they will be done in 6 weeks, while the ones in the big room will prolly take eight, maybe seven. the girls in the small room are all growing rock hard nugs, the calyx's are swollen like crazy! the others are much looser, although...
  12. G

    Does this look done?

    Holy shit man. this thread is SPAMMED!
  13. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    hey guys, just a small update. I watered the big room friday, and the small one yesterday, and im seeing that the buds in the small room are growing way tighter than in the large room. its quite a difference. It almost looks like it will be done a couple weeks ahead of the larger one, and i cant...
  14. G

    keeping garage cool?

    my buddies medical grow is in a garage as well, and lets just say lately its been a real problem. Its been 30+c here for the last 2 weeks, and the temps in there are through the roof. He has an 800 cfm fan pulling air in, and an 800 pushing air out.... The small mother room bed area is so hot...
  15. G

    Omega garden, revisited....

    Hey guys, I know there is some info on these here, but it is sparse. heres the deal, I scored one of these from a buddy who was "forced" to get rid of all of his stuff, (marital issues). anyways, i inherited this complete system, but i really dont need to run it, as i have my setup running, and...
  16. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    hi people! I have to show some updates! Its been a long time, and things are going great! Since i turned them over 4 weeks ago, they are growing, and growing! Its been a heat wave here, and its wreaked havok on other growers, but my set up has pulled through without an issue! its 90+F outside...
  17. G

    My DIY Vented Hoods!

    hey guys, ive been running these hoods now for 3 weeks or so, and the non tempered glass is holding up just fine! the air going through the last hood is about 120f, and the plants are about 12" from the glass, and doing just awesome. If you are needing new glass, or doing it yourself, dont...
  18. G

    A terrible light schedule...

    for fucks sake man. snap the ground off the plug and plug it into the timer if you have to. if you can't figure that out, maybe toss the plant(s), lights, pots, hell, toss the whole nine yards, and keep buying grams off the local kid at the quickee mart. ;-)
  19. G

    Safe watt amounts drawn before the energy company notices

    yeah, i agree..... if you pay the bill, you can use pretty much what you want. around here, 6- 8 1000w lights is the norm. I know of some guys running 40, 1000's and they just pay the bill, its been 2+ years and no one seems to take notice. but thats the extreme.
  20. G

    Elephant grow and first SCROG?

    guys, just a quick update. I have been monitoring daily for bugs, i have none, ive fore gone the spraying. And since my last update, ive watered twice, with 500 ppm A&B bloom. And they have grown like CRAZY since the 12/12 flip! Ill take some pictures tonight. Its strange how they have grown...