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  1. G

    4 ballast flipbox schematic

    Thanks! That doesn't sound too difficult.
  2. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Well, we cut em down. They certainly could have waited another week to ten days, but the overall yield was excellent! the bud density was insane, and we got five FULL "tray lids". On average a tray lid (cloning tray), is usually a pound dried. So we figure it will be between 4.5 - 5 lbs dry...
  3. G

    4 ballast flipbox schematic

    Hi guys. Ive looked around and can't dind anything on this. I would like to build a 4 ballast "Flip Box". I wanna run eight 1000w HPS lights off four ballasts, on a 12/12 shift. I understand I can build a flip box that can do this, using one timer, four ballasts and (eight ?) relays? Can...
  4. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Hey guys. I thought i'd share some pics of a buddy's set up, and his crop so far. He is growing the exact same strain as me, and his plants are at 9 1/2 weeks. First thing that stands out is that his plants STRETCHED insanely compared to mine! His are around 48" at this time, and mine are all...
  5. G

    Another Peltier concept for Cabinet Grows

    its feasible i guess, but the actual amount of cooling would be very little IMO.
  6. G

    House for Sale in Florida

    What is the point of this thread? is there any at all?
  7. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Thanks! well, i never bothered with the netting, the height of these plants just didnt warrent it, and if i was to use a net, i should have put it up a couple days earlier than i tried. The tops of alot of the plants were already past my posts height, making it impossible to add the netting. We...
  8. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Filled half a garbage bag with small stalk, leaves, that i trimmed off the plants today, they are filling out like crazy! Tomorrow I will water them with straight water, as the last two feedings were 800/1000 ppm. They are just starting to show signs of bud now, and are 2.5 weeks or so into...
  9. G

    can't even move my body after last nights mission

    i totally second that!!!! and decided no to bother reading any further...
  10. G

    Help me pick my next strain!

    in your experience, how long does the chemdog take to finish? whats the yields like? the research ive done on these strains is saying that the pineapple punch should be what i'm looking for, also im seeing alot of stuff on the "elephant" strain.... i dunno if its reliable info, as the seeds are...
  11. G

    Help me pick my next strain!

    Hey guys, I need some advice, and im asking for opinions here. I have a legal grow going right now, consisting of 74 plants of "white widow". From what i can see, they prolly won't be the best producer, for overall quantity. My set up consists of the "sea of green", and I'm looking for a strain...
  12. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    here are a few more updated pictures, I added a dehumidifier to the room, its built into the wall :-) These girls are 10 days into the 12/12 lighting schedule. I also put 2x2 posts up on the bed sides so i can put a net over the top of them, I'm going to wait about six days till I net it. I will...
  13. G

    Blew my fuse, Harvest now?

    they won't turn hermaphrodite just because the lights stayed off for a longer duration once..... not even maybe. turn the light off, make sure your circuit isnt overloaded, replace the fuse and try again.... no big deal. but there must be a reason your poppin' fuses?
  14. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Hey guys, heres a quick update, 3 days later. They are really starting to fill out/ take off! I am amazed at the new growth, and they are staying short! (just what i wanted). Let me know what you guys think..... Oh, I'll take some pics of my buddy's grow, same strain, but his plants are 50+"...
  15. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Hey guys... I have some new pictures. I flipped em to 12/12, I fed them with A/B flora grow, and Gro Tek Blossom Blaster (0-39-25), with zero water at 800 ppm. This is my first bloom feeding. I will feed them another dose like this in about a week (or once the bed has dried out enough), then...
  16. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Well im using Sunshine #4 mix..... I think i'll skip the molasses. Thanks for the clarification. -----EDIT------ Well guys, just a quick update, I turned them over to 12/12 today. pics to follow.
  17. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Yeah, their old reflectors i used back in the day, and had left over.....I replaced all the old ballasts with brand new ones, and decided to use these shades for now. Im in the winter months now, so heat isnt an issue at all, as a matter of fact, lack of heat is the issue, when the lights are...
  18. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Thanks guys...And Kratos015, I have a 4 channel DVR setup on the property, It overlooks the building, the yard, and the driveway leading onto the property. Its installed in another building on the property... ;-) The one i showed here is just a cheap camera I used to use when my Son was little...
  19. G

    If I cannot afford a root stimulator (Roots excel, GH Start) what should I use?

    what do you mean you "can't afford" root stim??? i mean, its like 5.00 a bottle. look in the couch, maybe you'll dig out enough change.... ;-)
  20. G

    Ultimatum For My Plant ;( Is It Smokeable!?

    im going to guess around 12-13..... :-(