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  1. G

    1000w hps ballast urgent!!!

    what exactly is this post supposed to represent? all i see is a schematic?
  2. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Here's an update guys, I've done alot of work, All with the help of a close friend, he is also doing a small grow, and his plumbing expertise and the fact he's doing the same strain is really working out great! I couldnt have done alot of this without him! I (we) installed a zero water system...
  3. G

    spider mite hell....

    hey guys, I thought i'd share some experiences me and a couple buddies have just gone through. We "aquired" some White Widow clones from a local grower, and it appears this guys runs a real dirty grow. All of his grow is infested with spider mites. Anyways, after all three of us found this out...
  4. G

    Hows my indoor setup look?

    those lights are for lighting up a hallway/bathroom, or a closet IMO!
  5. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Hi guys..... Just an update. I will be planting tomorrow! All my clones are rooted, and ready. I got all the dirt in the beds today, and all the barrels filled. Lights are on for 24 hrs to warm everything up. I ended up buying new ballasts, and returning the old school ones that I had.... I...
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    Mine is in a unoccupied house on a commercial property. I have a camera system in an adjacent building with 5 camera's overlooking the house, which records to hard drive.... In the house itself, I have a camera over looking the driveway, entrance, so when im in the grow area, i can see who's...
  7. G

    Need help ASAP CAN I HARVERT??

    Dont worry about "scoping" and all that shit, the last week/10 days is where they really pack it in. Once 80% or so of the hairs turn red, its ready, you'll also notice he crystals start to turn an amber color.... it would be a waste IMO to hack it down early, as others have already stated....
  8. G

    Automated Grow Box that can self-sustain for 2 weeks?

    i believe it would be possible to make a device that would raise the lights, say 2"-4" a day.... or at whatever height you would require..... although, I feel that it would be foolish to leave any crop for any extended time. Its important to spend regular time with them, pruning, and simply...
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    Using Condensate Water

    we use the water in our dirt grows.... the water from our dehumidifier comes out at zero (ppm) and a ph of 6.5.... our tap water PPM's at 890+..... :-(
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    Need Help with Sea Of Green Method

    i veg for 10 days (once they have developed a couple new sets of leaves), then flip them, they grow very quick, then i trim off alot of the side branches, try to keep it one big bud. pretty straight forward.
  11. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Thanks guys.... I started my auto watering system today, and will have it finished tomorrow, with pics to follow..... Ive never seen anyone do what im building before with a dirt setup. I built it so, say, if im off to the lake for the weekend, and I watered the bed on Wednesday, and I know it...
  12. G

    Buried Semi Trailer Grow Room

    LED's..... (facepalm) ;-)
  13. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Hi guys, I thought id add an update to my project. I got all my ventilation plumbed in, thermostat wired up, and all my timers/lights done. I'm pretty much ready to go. My clones are rooting right now, and I anticipate planting possibly by the end of next week. Things are going well, and I did...
  14. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Little update. I got all the poly done tonight, and sealed up. I picked up the lights, three 1000w HPS with old school 48" hoods, and the timers, and 80 net pots.....Tomorrow I will start plumbing in the ventilation, and start wiring..... maybe hang the door. ;-)
  15. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    no legal space maximums.... dry weight is 3400g in storage, and 30g on my person. the Doctor cleared me for 15g a day. Ill see how the fans work out for me. If i need more, ill get more. :-) more pics to come. It looks pretty mundane as is, but i'tll come together pretty quick.
  16. G

    The start of my 1st box.( critics required) CFL POWERED

    good luck. with lights like that, id be surprised to see anything usable come out of it.....
  17. G

    New build, just getting started.....

    Hi guys..... I just got my license, its good for 74 plants. I started a thread in the newbie area a week or so ago, showing a buddy's setup, and stated i would show mine as I went along. Well, I finally got some pics today to start this thread off.... I will be growing in a room 17'x8', in a...
  18. G

    90 watt x 2 UFO LED Northen Lights Autoflower Grow Journal

    you know, i keep seeing threads with these LED's, but I never seem to see one that shows the actual results, or how yield a guy gets off these things? can a guy get an OZ. off each plant? I just can't see these things working very good......
  19. G

    Wireless greenhouse controller on kickstarter

    Dude, Can you contact me? I'd really like to discuss this system with you, as I am very interested is this.... I cant find a PM button here, how can we figure out a way to connect privately?
  20. G

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    to the OP, CFL's are junk. 1000w HPS is the only way to go if you want to produce something worthwhile, CFL is a waste of time.