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  1. DblBrryInvestments

    HSO's Blue dream auto

    That looks pretty nice, I'm growing some hso blue dream photos right now, how many days old is she?
  2. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    A little no picture update for you guys. Checked on them this morning and they have grown ALOT since my last picture update 3 days ago. About 3 days ago I germinated 6x hso blue dreams paper towel method and they all had a nice tap root a day or 2 later, and I tossed them in 2 gallon pots...
  3. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    *********Day 28 03/15/16******** I've had a pretty bad last week of weather with lots of rain and unfortunately I have a really cheap greenhouse that drips water directly onto my raised bed. Good news though, it hasn't really affected them too much and growth has really tooken off now, no sign...
  4. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Nice, from what breeder? Blue kush sounds kinda good. Your welcome to lurk all you want! Glad to have another person on board, thanks!
  5. DblBrryInvestments

    Growing autos outdoors offseason in aus subtropics? advice

    This is my 2nd year growing autos, last year I grew during the season when the light hours were pretty much peakin out and I got a QP off a plant with a few genetics I ran. Right now, I have a 15 plant auto greenhouse grow, which you can check out in my journal under my sig. They are 30 days...
  6. DblBrryInvestments

    any thoughts on Toms tumble trimmer?

    Hahaa, right?? If your gonna pull stuff like this, atleast put in a little bit of effort to make it look legit... Like dhgate, atleast they'll make the reviews look like its coming from a real person... Hmm, never uses RIU for anything, but will sure as hell come on here to leave a review...
  7. DblBrryInvestments

    Viking Fruit 15/16

    Sorry to hear about your whitefly problem... Last year I grew in my mothers 1/2 acre vineyard, which she does not tend to whatsoever.... Man I had the worst whitefly infestation, I'm talking maybe 50,000 white flies throughout the entire garden lol.... I would spray my plants with pyrethrins...
  8. DblBrryInvestments

    My NorCal Backyard Grow 2016

    I hear ya on that shit weather and the babies look sad... :[ My 15 autos have been growin kinda slow this past week, i think 3 out of the 7 days was raining like crazy and I gotta shitty greenhouse that lets water drip in landing on my raised bed......
  9. DblBrryInvestments

    Outdoor virgin

    I would think 16 or 17 honestly. Again I am not positive on that.
  10. DblBrryInvestments

    Outdoor virgin

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your gonna flower way sooner then sept. when your day light hours are just hitting 12. From when the day light tops at 19 hours and starts going down, I think the plants get a signal to start flowering?
  11. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Believe me, the soil is great and is very rich with nutes. This is outdoors and the sunlight hours are still hovering right around 11hr 50m, so that may be a reason why they are sort of small. I could agree that they do seem a bit small, but then again they're barely 3 weeks old, and I would...
  12. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    *********Day 22 03/09/16********* Little update, I've started to LST a couple of them and the side nodes have really started taking off compared to the ones that I have not done anything to yet. I've only been training them for like 2 days now and I plan on letting at least one of every...
  13. DblBrryInvestments

    --*First Grow- 20 Seedlings CFL 36x20x62 Closet Tent- Journal*--

    You said you had a bigger closet so you can veg past the second node. Why not try experimenting around for experience? Take 10-15 and throw them under a Scrog in your bigger closet. The 2ft isn't much for them to spread out so topping to lst isn't really An option. Leave the rest in the the...
  14. DblBrryInvestments

    --*First Grow- 20 Seedlings CFL 36x20x62 Closet Tent- Journal*--

    Lookin good, especially for your first grow haha, go big or go home right? Are you doing a scrog, 12-12 from seedling, or what? You don't seem to have a lot of space to get a lot of veg time in without seriously crowding out your box.
  15. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Happy to have you! What auto strains are you growing? I just started doing a bit of LST on a few last night and I've hit them with neem about 3 times now. I plan on posting an update sometime in the next few days. Have your grown hso blue dream in the past?
  16. DblBrryInvestments

    Transplant advice

    I would probably go with the 5 gallon tell you the truth. Your already root bound in the one gallon. 2 gallons of soil doesn't seem nearly enough to hold off some outdoor plants for another two months. I got lazy last year on transplanting a couple girls from 3 gallons to there new home and...
  17. DblBrryInvestments

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Sure thing! I almost don't want to take them out of the package, I love how they came in the lil wooden box haha! I'm waiting another few weeks before I take them out.
  18. DblBrryInvestments

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Well, just seen this pop on on recently replied threads. I placed an order for 10x blue dream seeds 02/25 and 3 great strains from advanced as freebies. Almost immediately, I got an email saying the blue dream would be out of stock and a number to call. They offered me a free upgrade to the...
  19. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Last minute I decided to actually do a full grow besides the autos. I'm going to be focused on this grow journal and I will periodically give small updates here of my non auto grow. I ordered 10x blue dreams from humboldt organizations and got 3 freebies. I really love how they packaged the...
  20. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 DP think big, night queen, Colorado cookies, auto ultimate and west coast OG DWC

    Aww, sorry to hear that.. I've heard great things about ultimates. Yeah, I'm doing a grow journal in the outdoor section. You can find it in my sig, your welcome to follow along, I'll do the same:bigjoint: