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  1. DblBrryInvestments

    Guerrilla 2016

    This is why I always just start with cheap plastic grow bags haha, much rather cut it out instead of disturbing the roots and flipping the plant upside down. Idk why I've never liked the idea of messing with the roots even though they say you should shake them up to free them before transplanting.
  2. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    **********Day 41 03/28/16********** Past 4 days my ladies have been more transitioning into producing flowers rather than vertical height. They are still growing vertically, but not as much as they were in the recent 2 weeks. The ones I have not trained I would guess are about 2 ft. I'm...
  3. DblBrryInvestments

    Getting soil in bulk.

    Yea that amazon link is 17$ for 3 gallons, that is INSANE. Try craiglist, if your in cali there has to be some hydro store or nursery that stocks FFOF for bulk prices. 10$-11$ for 1.5 cf bags should be what your lookin for.. Ask if you can get them tax-free too (you'll have to pay cash)...
  4. DblBrryInvestments

    Outdoor AC/DC Tips

    You may be able to find some reviews about the strain on seedfinder, may have to use a translater since a lot of them won't be in english. Chances are your not gonna find much about it since no one has chimed in yet. Hope you find what your looking for, good luck!
  5. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Here's a shot of some of the soil I made this year. Finished up the last of what I needed at my buddys house yesterday for a total of 500 gallons. I went with LC's mix with recipe #1 w/ the optional greensand since I plan to reuse this soil. I'm also going to be using AACTs throughout the...
  6. DblBrryInvestments

    20 gallon fabric pot experiences

    I've been lurking here for 5-6 years now myself and finally created an account last Fall that I am actually active on. You should definitely start a journal, it'll help you get more involved in the site and get to know people better. I started my first grow journal here last month and since...
  7. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    **********Day 37 03/24/16********** I've had a pretty good past few days and the ladies have been lovin the sunny days. Just watered all of them this morning and I plan on spraying them down with some BT for the first time later tonight. I would say the ones that I have not trained are easily...
  8. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    I just subbed to your journal:bigjoint: I just casually scrolled through the first few pages, all your ladies look in GREAT condition, so green and happy, keep it up! When I get some free time in my hands within the next week I'll figure out how to use the actual "Grow Journal" (as I've only...
  9. DblBrryInvestments

    Seeds for my outside grow this year are Moby dick xxl by dinafem and auto ultimate any one done thes

    Personally, I never really liked indoors, I'm just a fanatic for the great outdoors! I started my career in growing pot with a little indoor ghetto closet setup I had 6 years ago when I was living at my dads house haha. Started outdoors 3 years ago and I freakin love it! I do want to get...
  10. DblBrryInvestments

    Seeds for my outside grow this year are Moby dick xxl by dinafem and auto ultimate any one done thes

    Nice!! 707 truthband.. That sounds absolutely amazing, I have never heard of that strain, whos the breeder? They have started to show pistils but nothing I would consider flowering, its still vigorously vegging and probably will continue to for atleast (hopefully) another 3 weeks?
  11. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Awesome! Were you planning on doing a grow journal, I'll be happy to follow along your's as well! The super cheese, honey suckle, and ice breaker were actually freebies I got from gorilla! I have literally searched the web trying to find info on these strains and have been very unlucky with...
  12. DblBrryInvestments

    Seeds for my outside grow this year are Moby dick xxl by dinafem and auto ultimate any one done thes

    Personally, unless you care to have a variety of smoke, I would just go for the ultimates in the future, mazars look nice, but the ultimates are just growing crazy. Yeah bro its under my sig, 2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse grow, I try my best to shoot a picture update atleast every 4-5 days, week...
  13. DblBrryInvestments

    Seeds for my outside grow this year are Moby dick xxl by dinafem and auto ultimate any one done thes

    Check out my thread under my sig!! I'm growing 7x AutoUltimates, 4x automazars, and 4x fantasamo expressos. I'm lovin the ultimates!! *Edit They are on Day 36 right now, I started when the sunlight hours were around 11 hr 30 mns.. After about the 4th week the ultimates really start taking...
  14. DblBrryInvestments

    Wierd sprout with no cotyledons and brown hook

    I've had a lot of wierd things happen with autos lol.. Like right now, I got 15 autos in a greenhouse and more then half of them are growing tiny baby nodes out of the cotyldedon leaves..
  15. DblBrryInvestments

    Advice to start my big dream

    Guess I'll be the first to say to use that search bar lol... Most of this stuff will easily pop up, if not, through it in a google search with a tag after, like RIU, cannabis, etc. All I gotta say is don't go over your head, don't try and pay for this with rent money or go counting your eggs...
  16. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    **********Day 32 03/19/16********** Probably the best update yet, past 4 days the ladies having been growing QUICK! All 6 of my hso blue dreams have cracked through the soil too, they are going in 50 gallon smart pots for a nice fall harvest :weed: The fantasamo expressos have shown pistils...
  17. DblBrryInvestments

    Damn any ideas to get her green color back

    I was gonna go to amazon to get it, I usually get most of my stuff there, but seemed like the same quality green house for 40$ less. I reinforce mine too, got the bitch towed to the ground like a 1000 ton yacht lol, tied down at 6 places with double bowlines and a stopper with a tautline hitch...
  18. DblBrryInvestments

    Damn any ideas to get her green color back

    That greenhouse looks like mine. Is that the 60$ piece of junk from eBay? If so, how's that piece of shit of a tent holdin up for you lol... I've had mine for like 2 months and its the worst piece of crap I've ever owned.... Frame isn't too bad I guess, but the film is terrible.
  19. DblBrryInvestments

    what do you think?

    Not sure about you, but over in the High Desert a plant started in Feb grows out to be a complete monster of a tree.. Think you should bump up the pots to 50 gallons at the least.
  20. DblBrryInvestments

    Past mistakes and testimonies? Appreciate replays.

    Not sure if I would ever use native soil. It doesn't cost much to make a base mix either. Google LC's soiless mix, its pretty simple and really cheap. 5 Parts spaghnum peat moss 3 parts Perlite 2 parts EWC Few other things as well, but doesn't get cheaper and easier than that.