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  1. DblBrryInvestments

    what in the actual f*ck?

    Haha, pretty much same story here.. Started growing at 13 (19 now) done indoors, and moved to fully outdoors about 3 years ago. (I ran into TONS of males when I first started too) Last year was my first grow that I'm proud of, only did 4 plants and yielded about 3 lbs dry off each plant. Now...
  2. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    Those look great! That big bud looks exactly like the Autopounder with cheese I grew last year. What strain and what did you yield dry? Looks heavy for an auto, props! *Edit Such a big auto, that I said "those" lol.
  3. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    Love the look of those dark purple buds. Already on the shopping list for next time, I've only had buds like that once, and although it wasn't that good, I can only imagine what it would be like if it was from someone who grows good pot and takes his time on the dry and cure.
  4. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    I guess you have a point on having to smoke twice as much, I usually top bowls off with kief or start the sesh off with a dab haha. I only grow outdoors, so there isn't really much of a system to have dialed in. Good soil, few brews throughout the grow (using a fresh batch of soil I made, so...
  5. DblBrryInvestments

    The big dirty

    This is gonna be a cool thread, hoping you complete it! Looks like you got a lot of work settin up 15 greenhouses haha, doin it real big! I'll be following along, good luck this year!
  6. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    Sorry about so many posts. I couldn't edit my originals and still quote a post since I'm on my phone. I know @ruby fruit has grown dark Devils before if I'm not mistaken. Im sure he'd be happy to show you some pictures and answer any questions about the strain, if you were curious on personal...
  7. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    Lookin good for day 12, if it's not too much ask, start a thread when she's almost done? I'd like to see how she finishes up, I'm a fan of anything blueberry :blsmoke: (If you can't tell by my name lol)
  8. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    To a certain extent, I agree. I've had some really great buds, but they really lacked on the yield part. Like less than an oz, which is disappointing. I would take 2+ ozs of some less potent buds, since it's not a huge difference in potency anyways. *Edit I'm actually growing 4x autos from...
  9. DblBrryInvestments

    what in the actual f*ck?

    Your growin some great strains! Can't wait to see some updates later in the season, you plan on starting a journal? Mephisto genetics are great by the way! Growing 4x fantasamo espressos from them and they're beautiful, and they do have some amazing sounding strains! Definitely throw some...
  10. DblBrryInvestments

    How big will they get in 5gallon buckets???

    Here's some autos I'm growing, day 44 or 45 the one at the bottom right corner is autoultimate from Dutch passion the next 4 right by it are fantasamo espressos the 4 after that are automazars from Dutch and the one all the way at the top is another ultimate.. The one in the fabric pot is also...
  11. DblBrryInvestments

    McDonald's Monoply 2016

    I can't eat fast food haha... Excluding In-N-Out, Chipotle, Habit Burger, and Five Guys, can't forget hot dog on a stick either lol.
  12. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Today is Day 43 for my ladies, I am not doing another picture update til the end of the weekend. This morning I went out there to check on them and I have had a praying mantis egg sack hanging for about 3-4 weeks now, which I just assumed it wasn't going to hatch since it was taking so...
  13. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    I could see it being a lot less potent, but it does make up for it in the yield? I've seen some impressive yields with Dutch Passion's auto genetics. My first time growing DP's autos and so far, I'm liking it. A good genetic I have grown before is that AutoPounder w/ cheese, I gotta qp dry...
  14. DblBrryInvestments

    15x Auto Grow

    Hey guys, I always scroll along the autoflowering threads to check out others, however, I spend most of my time in the outdoor section. I'm growing 7x AutoUltimates, 4x Fantasamo Expressos, and 4x AutoMazars. I have a pretty active Grow Journal under my sig if anyone was interested in...
  15. DblBrryInvestments

    I just made the biggest amateur mistake, I'm so pissed off.

    Patience my friend, germinating seeds has become one of the easiest parts in the grow for me. Depending on how long the tap root is dictates on how deep i put it in the soil, but usually just a pinky finger nail deep. In the past year, I have germinated I would say 50 seeds, all with 100%...
  16. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    Why do you say that most strains are better then the mazars? I got 4x auto mazars and 7x auto ultimates which the ultimates is just an auto mazar crossed with Dutch's The Ultimate.
  17. DblBrryInvestments

    Sap Is Oozing From My Buds On Day Of Harvest?

    So this is how moonrocks are made lol! Thanks for sharing the video @BuCannabis and sweet lookin plants you got there I'm totally jealous of your sappy buds, must be good!
  18. DblBrryInvestments

    Are my leafs lookin yellow This should help. I can see small little holes in a leaf and a big chunk eaten off on another. Got any idea what kind of pest your dealin with?
  19. DblBrryInvestments

    Transplanting autos outdoors.

    You've been following along my thread. I always just started my seeds outdoors. I'm assuming you would still have to harden the autos off before throwing them outdoors?
  20. DblBrryInvestments

    Guerrilla 2016

    Super cheap lol, I get a bag of 25 for 2$. That's what I started my babies in this year is 2 gallons, I think that should be good for 4-5 weeks of veg before I transplant them into their final 50 gallon smart pots.