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  1. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Uh oh here we go. The last refuge of the hurt feelings. Keep proof reading, whatever it takes to get your mind off of what's goin on in your bedroom and in your tidy whites cracker.
  2. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Wiki leaks exposes new Clinton & obama war crimes

    Fixed it for ya white boi
  3. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    This ones just to easy. You might want to have a serious conversation with your chick. Or dont, im not gonna pay her bills anyway.
  4. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Wiki leaks exposes new Clinton & obama war crimes

    It hurt so bad when your girl told it to you, you just had to lash out diddnt you. She told me all about it, when gave her the chance to speak that is...
  5. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

    Because we all remember the recent events where all those white kids shot down officers, and the white rallys there they scream kill cops
  6. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    White Boi outreach was designed to help crackers like you. Accept the fact that you are a racist lily white tween and give in to the healing power. Your girl already has.
  7. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Getting people fired for racist social media posts

    Please, allow me So where do you work now?
  8. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Wiki leaks exposes new Clinton & obama war crimes

    "Racist little rich white bois are the only ones who can declare something racist" They would know
  9. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Alot of truth here. There is a serious problem in my peoples culture, much of it is perpetuated by silly white bois. Its clear to me that you are a white man and i respect that. Dont think im calling all whites bois, just the few that frequent this forum using race baiting and my peoples plight...
  10. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    @UncleBuck @Unclebaldrick @see4
  11. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Typical white boi response. To ignorant to understand what another culture must suffer through in the face of bigotry, yet all to quick to claim you to be a racist. Just as long as mama keeps payin the bills, cuz one day her life support is gonna fail and your broke ass is gonna be livin in our...
  12. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Thats a funny joke white boi, you tell that one when there are no Black Men around to hear it? Keep that word out of your mouth cracker.
  13. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    And all across the land, the white bois fall silent.
  14. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Its so easy to "win" a political debate when your only gun is loaded with bullets with the word "racist" scratched on the side. I never intended to post in politics when i joined, but i saw so many white bois crying racist over trump support or Hillary hate that i fell in. My brother is African...
  15. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    These days its the worst insult you can throw as a white at a white. Call them a racist. And its always white bois who live in suburbs and never see a colored man that doesnt serve them in some fashon. They are so desperate to prove they arent racist that they slander their own people, clawing...
  16. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    @see4 @Unclebaldrick @UncleBuck All the white bois get real quiet when a Black Man gets online
  17. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Look at all the sad online white bois trying to keep a brotha quiet. So long as i keep flipping your burgers im bein a good little negro huh? 'Scuse me me and yo gurl are gonna enjoy a cup
  18. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Its your bed time white boy, kiss your mama goodnight and give us our grownup time. You can play COD for 30 mins but keep it down.
  19. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Yeah, im just putting together the links showing yall sharing my personal info. Its distracting.
  20. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Tiref of watchin your racist cracker ass cryin racism like its a fire alarm. Take your white ass back to church. Make it a black one like Hillary does, maybe your NAACP rating will go back up