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  1. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    I aint tryin to be your token black friend.
  2. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    All you proved is that you are a racist online cracker whos wife aint that crazy
  3. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Check the links, i just proofed it before your eyes.
  4. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    No one expected you to get very far anyway, cracker. Thats what happens when your parents pull you out of school to work the family meth lab.
  5. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    melania trump was a prostitute. LOL

    Ask yo gurl white boi, she know my name. You would hear it if you werent always screaming "stop greifing me!" from the other room
  6. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    And now it would seem that @rollitup has shared my personal info with some other members. Ill have pictures up soon, it would seem that this site isnt very well regulated.
  7. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    Typical racist white boi.
  8. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    melania trump was a prostitute. LOL

    Plesant Grove white boi! CYK fo life white boi! Come get you some but leave yo gurl at home, she wont make it outta tha hood! Thats real sweet that @rollitup gave you my personal info tho. Gonna spread that around.
  9. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    unclebuck's outreach to white people

    I get yo gurl to do it, she love bein down there anyway.
  10. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

    I joined this site recently and accidentally stumbled into the politics section, and found myself reading a bunch of racist ass white bois crying over who the biggest racist is. Unfortunately there was even a moderator involved in it and making some very insensitive remarks to me over PM, and as...
  11. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    unclebuck's outreach to white people

    I keep it trimmed, yo gurl prefer it that way, not all wiry and bushy like yo racist ass.
  12. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    melania trump was a prostitute. LOL

    Maybe you should try to pretend you arent a scared little racist white boi next time you roll through my hood. PS i sho did persuade yo gurl UncleCuck. You keep takin care of her bills, ill take care of her body.
  13. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    unclebuck's outreach to white people

    Yo gurl got my number cracker, you wanna speak wit me get wit her an she will tell me next time she comes over for the black snake. Here, play this next time im over, it and your COD should drown out your racist sobs next time i come over, you kill the mood white boi.
  14. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    melania trump was a prostitute. LOL

    Lol does that picture scare you? It should, you better keep to your white suburb and stay out of our neighborhood racist cracker.
  15. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    unclebuck's outreach to white people

    I got plenty of wet dreams UncleCuck, but then i wake up and realize that its just yo gurl on top of me and she dont wanna go back home to a racist limp dick white boi.
  16. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    unclebuck's outreach to white people

    Fixed it for you. Ask yo gurl, she got my contact info in her phone. Its under "better man"
  17. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    unclebuck's outreach to white people

    Nothin over here but a fine specimen of Alabama Black Snake. Send her over white boi, you know shes not comin back.
  18. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    melania trump was a prostitute. LOL

    You have alot of those pics dont you white boi. Jealous of what a black man can give your wife that you cant? But what do i know, according to you im just a poor negro, to disparaged to get around town. Racist cracker. I bet you hate jews to. Anyone who isnt white washed lile you.