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  1. maryjanedog

    Mag Defeciency with a few questions.

    No... Just the Tiger Bloom... should we still be giving it to them? We went to straight bloom last week.
  2. maryjanedog

    Mag Defeciency with a few questions.

    Ok, so our girls are about 4 weeks old right now and we are having issues on our first grow. We are growing Diesel Ryder, Cheese, and Trainwreck.. all from seed. They were all looking pretty healthy until this past Saturday (we were out of town and apparently we didn't give our girls enough...
  3. maryjanedog

    how safe is ordering seed in the US?

    I see what you are saying. I couldn't agree more with you about having personal info out there. Next time I will send a lil cash in the mail... Test the waters. :weed:
  4. maryjanedog

    Post your current Grow pics and status (mines BLACKJACK and BAGSEED)

    So this is our first grow. Here is a pic from this morning... we think it's going to be a girl, but we don't know yet. We currently have 8 DR , 1 fem Trainwreck, and 1 fem Cheese. We are totally hooked on growing the green! :weed:
  5. maryjanedog

    Purple veins in a 6 day old seedling?

    Well I guess you wouldn't be a nube then right?
  6. maryjanedog

    how safe is ordering seed in the US?

    BTW you don't have to send cash to Attitude Seeds either... we used our Debit Card and had no problem... WTF would you send cash in the mail?
  7. maryjanedog

    how safe is ordering seed in the US?

    We order our seeds from Attitude Seed Bank in the UK. They have a great selection of all kinds of seeds... even from the seed banks that won't ship here... We did pay a little extra for the guaranteed ship... $15 total, but we got a sweet coffee mug... they have other things to choose from...
  8. maryjanedog

    Purple veins in a 6 day old seedling?

    Well we haven't added any nutes whatsoever. Just planted the girls in Black Gold Organic potting soil after they germinated. We had them in small peat pots originally, but decided to move them to the bigger pots. in their peat pots.. so if the new pots are too big, or we moved them too early...
  9. maryjanedog

    Purple veins in a 6 day old seedling?

    Appreciate the advice Big. We have FF Tiger Bloom and Grow Big for nutes. We haven't added any to the girls yet for fear of burning them... they are due for a water tonight and I think we will add some then. :leaf:
  10. maryjanedog

    Purple veins in a 6 day old seedling?

    This is my first grow and I have 2 plants that are a little purple in the veins of the leaves. I am growing Diesel Ryder (pic) and Trainwreck. Is this a problem or are they just a little young? We have them in Black Gold organic soil and the temps at night stay around 70 - 72 F and 74 - 77 F...