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  1. budforever442200

    rookie lookin for any and all tips on growing

    And if it aint broke....dont fix it. Oh and DONT USE MIRACLE GROW!
  2. budforever442200

    Sprout showing bad symptoms

    deff overwater. also watch the cardboard on top on the lights, not that safe! dont "burn the house down".
  3. budforever442200

    2 Plants almost thier...1 week left!!!!

    tight aqarium! buds also look very nice.
  4. budforever442200

    hps light

    should be fine.
  5. budforever442200

    Is my lighting enough?

    invest in a hps for flowering.
  6. budforever442200

    Question on lighters!!

    Good old magnifiying glass and sun!! you dont tast anything but ganja. Exept when its raining.
  7. budforever442200

    Day 7, Got spots, Any ideas, Pics

    EVERYBODY, STOP USING MIRACLE GROW!!!!!!!!!!! Its too hot, i see all these pics of small plant probs all in miracle grow. I bet thats your prob. Get them OUT!
  8. budforever442200

    how to get more female plants

    And those arnt even all female. CLONING
  9. budforever442200

    can a plant grow on 8hr of light

    11 mabey. but it will go right into bloom. i wouldnt try. let it have a chance at life, give it to your friend.
  10. budforever442200


    Keep healing the nation!
  11. budforever442200

    miracle grow fertilized potting soil

    even better. go to the hydro store.
  12. budforever442200

    $10,000 Best Grow Room Ideas

    i here that from every hydro person. yet all the big northern california indoors growers i know all do soil. i agree though do lots more research and deff talk to more than one person. Also try to dip a whole plant thats in hydro. without getting clay everywere. JAH LOVE!
  13. budforever442200

    Need help identifing this bud!

    sounds like ape.
  14. budforever442200

    miracle grow fertilized potting soil

    Go to a nursery, or plant shop. they will prob have foxfarm.
  15. budforever442200

    First timer With Questions!

    a computer? im looking at one right now and it doesnt look big enough!
  16. budforever442200

    $10,000 Best Grow Room Ideas

    soil because if anything happens i can get certain plants out fast, also i can take the whole plant and dip them in a trashcan filled with floramite if they get mites(veg). i can move them around 2 clean and so they get diff light. all you cant do with hydro. plus i think it adds some flavor.
  17. budforever442200

    miracle grow fertilized potting soil

    Like i said in another post. F@*# Miracle Grow!
  18. budforever442200

    $10,000 Best Grow Room Ideas

    Sorry its so long! it was helpful for me.
  19. budforever442200

    miracle grow fertilized potting soil

    yes. they will thank you in the end/start
  20. budforever442200

    $10,000 Best Grow Room Ideas

    SORRY ITS SO LONG! its from a law school class "Dear sir/madam, I'm writing a report for my business law class concerning the power companies. There have been numerous complaints around the country in the past six months stating that power companies are voluntarily reporting what they deem to...