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  1. SikSol

    Yeah Im still around, only until Jan 20th though then im outta here.

    Yeah Im still around, only until Jan 20th though then im outta here.
  2. SikSol

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Back to growin again finally long time no see all, MOG you vanished for awhile before I left glad to see ya back!.... PM me like to get some your seeds before I leave texas. Introduce your genetics elsewhere in the country!
  3. SikSol

    Cloudy smelly water

    So i took everything hydroton rocks and all and soaked it all in hot bleach water, rinsed a million times, scrub'd down with LCR and rinsed some more, havnt had a problem since, PH levels staying stable and water is clear as can be with no smell@!
  4. SikSol

    fastest way..

    I'am doing a experiment with my current grow to achieve the same thing, the fastest possible flowering. Attempting to shorten the time from when flowering starts to harvest time while probably sacrificing yield Im taking steps to try and still get healthy THC levels despite the quick harvest you...
  5. SikSol

    DWC 12/12 to 10/14 or less

    Correct I dont believe I can induce flowering any faster, maybe slightly but nothing substantial. The main thing Im trying to accomplish is to reduce the time from the start of flower to harvest without sacrificing to much in THC levels. Yield will of course be less. I think a mixture between...
  6. SikSol

    how cold is too cold?

    the plant should live if it doesnt frost, however cold will slow growth. cold can also help induce flowering faster and possibly influence sex.
  7. SikSol

    DWC 12/12 to 10/14 or less

    So I am considering a experiment to get the fastest possible harvest time, Im considering running 12/12 from seed until flowering start then switching to 10/14 or less to trick the plant into thinking winter is close and it needs to hurry in a last ditch effort to produce in turn getting the...
  8. SikSol

    Less than 12hr light cycle

    Tried to find some info but cant seem to find it, we all know that you need no more than 12 hours of light to start flowering so we all tend to use the max of 12 hours of light. What would be the results of using less like only 10 hrs of light or lessand 14 hours or more of dark? Would it...
  9. SikSol

    1st Grow: Just some Bag Seeds, a Waterfarm and a guy that loves smokin LOL

    CFL's equivalent pertains to regular incandescent bulbs. Personally when I used CFL's I would use at least one 85w CFL above per plant and 3 -6 27w CFL's around the mid to bottom area around the plant to provide the lower branches and bud sites with light these wattage figures are the actual...
  10. SikSol

    1st Grow: Just some Bag Seeds, a Waterfarm and a guy that loves smokin LOL

    I have had very decent results with two females under a 150w hps, more watts = better yield though
  11. SikSol

    1st Grow: Just some Bag Seeds, a Waterfarm and a guy that loves smokin LOL

    gonna need more light just throwing that out there, if tight on money keep an eye out on craigslist and such, I scored 2 430w HPS setups for $150!
  12. SikSol

    Cloudy smelly water

    ........nevermind looked at your guide, out with the bleach and in with the LCR and vinegar
  13. SikSol

    Cloudy smelly water

    Yeah like i said I tried to clean it best I could but obviously not good enough, the plan now is Im going to remove the seedlings from the cups since they dont have roots out the cups really yet. Sit them in a shallow pan of water. Then just soak everything in bleach water and scrub the crap out...
  14. SikSol

    Cloudy smelly water

    Im only about 10 days in with seedlings, 3 of them, only one root tip even in the water, running 12/12 from seed with a 430w hps. Its a 6 gallon, and I removed the feeder tubes and pump as I dont like to use it. I just put two new 5" or 6" airstones and a new 125 gallon tank twin pump. I've...
  15. SikSol

    Cloudy smelly water

    So Im running a DWC grow using SH nutes, first few days water was fine, then it got cloudy and smells (kind like a smelly shoe lol). This was using the micro and grow nutes. So I changed it out fresh and in a days time it was back to cloudy and smelly. Then I changed it to the micro+ bloom...
  16. SikSol

    Automated pH controllers

    Im going to be putting together a new grow box/room soon and I really like the idea of a fully automated pH controller. Something with a digitial box I set my desired level at, has a sensor that goes into the resevoir and two individual pumps one for ph up and one for ph down. The controller...
  17. SikSol

    California-My Movement For The People!

    isnt there any small little country towns like up north or somewhere that isnt to expensive lol
  18. SikSol

    FBI director owned by senate rep.

    This dude gets owned bad on the subject of marijuana... hope no one else has posted this already if so my bad lol.
  19. SikSol

    Who is the Best guitar player of all time?

    stevey ray vaughn by far, and hendrix following up right behind him
  20. SikSol

    California-My Movement For The People!

    Im relocating from texas to there too... cali bound!!