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  1. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    Yeah AlpineArctic 11 @SupraSPL just with a hanging probe, it is actually shielded with a white paper cup cone. Ive even taking temp reads on the leaves with a ir pen style therm and they are reading just a few degrees under what the probe temp reading is. @Jeeyah sounds right, I want...
  2. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    Subconsciously I think i figured as much , I guess I just didnt want to face the music . I think before I do that , im going to try and make some kind of cooling box for them and sacrifice some intensity loss from a piece of glass for some coolness on the canopy.
  3. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    standard aa11 cpu heat sink, and that driver is running them above, the heat is actually under the led and the heatsink are pretty cool
  4. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    also what would you all say that max height you can have them above canopy ?
  5. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    drivers are out the the tent, and by removing the filter I tried increasing exhaust cfms. but you guys think I need more than 190 for a 22cft tenet ?
  6. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    One thing is I should mention.. I tried running the tent with out a filter with the same results
  7. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    meaning I should have went with a higher cfm fan ?
  8. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    Ventech fan and 5.5 ft tall
  9. caverage

    Cob heat issues

    I apologize if this comes off redundant as pretty much every heat issue but I feel I need some input from cxa/vero DYIers on cooling what I got going on 2x2 Tent 200 cfm filter>190cfmFan>Ducting ran into attic to closest attic vent approx 25ft of 4inch ducting 2 6inch passive intake holes...
  10. caverage

    Normal Growth ?

    Nice I just noticed the micro grow in your signature. whats the smallest plant youve harvested ?
  11. caverage

    Normal Growth ?

    lol thats pretty rad. looks like it was grown in a shoebox
  12. caverage

    Normal Growth ?

    Right on ! Thanks bryleetxh
  13. caverage

    Normal Growth ?

    I have yet to go through the sexing process but currently have a few plants going and 1 is yet to show its sex. I took some cuttings from one of the known female plants and some from the unknown (didnt label them by mistake). some of the cuttings are showing pistils and a few look like this...
  14. caverage

    Plant WILL NOT Flower!

    Thatsa big ass cfl :)
  15. caverage

    Impulse buy or great value - 200w LED for $250?

    So you can fit that in a pc case ?
  16. caverage

    3 Weeks in

    Thank you Cob :weed:
  17. caverage

    3 Weeks in

    Yep that's actually when what I was considering this was a day or two after I started counting
  18. caverage

    3 Weeks in

    Thanks man ! I counted from the first sign of flowering and not from when I flipped schedule. I'm not actually sure which is right , ive read conflicting things
  19. caverage

    3 Weeks in

    I originally wanted to go fox farms happy frog, but homedepot had promix and I had a everything else already. my mix is Promix, verm, perlite, and worm castings and a lil dlime.And I was given floranova nutes so thats what Im using.
  20. caverage

    Harvest night !! Updates every 30 min!!

    Now to enjoy the fruits of your labor. How long you gonna cure them