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  1. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Thanks Breeze, do you have a journal going?
  2. jcommerce

    Northern lights- 31 days in flower

    Some nice purple showing through there. Good work!
  3. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Thanks Toker! Good to hear from you, it's been awhile.
  4. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Thanks, 270 Watt HPS.
  5. jcommerce

    Daves Aerogarden grow (with pics).

    LOL, you and I are on the exact same day of flowering! I looked at your pics and thought of how similar they look to mine, then I looked at your days in flowering. Check out my link below in my signature, just posted pics too...
  6. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    One more, this is one of the 3 biggest kolas, but it's way at the back corner and hard to get a shot of. My finger is actually about 10 inches away from it in this pic.
  7. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Day 36 Flowering - Here are some pics for y'all. Figure I've got another 30 days or so to go.
  8. jcommerce

    "Y" Shaped Light Socket Splitters

    Thanks, found them at Wal-Mart, but then also saw them later at Lowes. Very easy to miss them if you aren't looking in the exactly right spot.
  9. jcommerce

    In-Line Fan/Blower Muffling/Noise Reduction

    Just got a new 6 inch in-line blower and it sounds like a jet engine (so much for the "quietness' they advertise. I've tried to come up with a couple of ideas on how to reduce the noise. I've thought about placing the fan inside a small 10 gallon storage bin, then placing that bin in a larger 30...
  10. jcommerce

    In-Line Fan/Blower Muffling/Noise Reduction

    Just got a new 6 inch in-line blower and it sounds like a jet engine (so much for the "quietness' they advertise. I've tried to come up with a couple of ideas on how to reduce the noise. I've thought about placing the fan inside a small 10 gallon storage bin, then placing that bin in a larger...
  11. jcommerce

    "Y" Shaped Light Socket Splitters

    Thanks bro, I'll check Wally World.
  12. jcommerce

    "Y" Shaped Light Socket Splitters

    What are these "Y" shaped socket splitters (to run 2 CFLs off of one socket) actually called and where the hell do you find them? I've scoured the lighting sections at Home Depot and Lowes and can't find them anywhere! HELP!!!
  13. jcommerce

    cop trouble!!!

    So how did they find out that your mate had plants growing? You're in the UK right? I thought cops were more lax about plants over there??
  14. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Clearex is a solution for flushing and cleaning out salt buildup that nutrients leave behind. When I flush biweekly, I drain my reservoir of all nutrient solution and add pure reverse osmosis water plus 15ml per gallon of Clearex. When I'm filling the reservoir, I make sure to wash down the...
  15. jcommerce

    Gwarrior's 1st Bagseed & Blueberry Grow. Pics updated daily.

    Even though I'm not a big fan of Jerry and the Grateful Dead, they still said it best, just "Let It Grow"!!
  16. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    I'm sure it will work well for you. Like I mentioned on my journal, I just cut the male and female roots right down the middle and thought it might hurt my remaining female because some of its roots got cut, no doubt. However, I saw no negative signs whatsoever. I think the biggest key to...
  17. jcommerce

    About to order from Dr. Chronic - YES OR NO?? Please Give Advice!

    I'm batting .1000 with Dr. Chron in 3 orders. Got an order as recently as 10 days ago. It has never taken more than 10 days to reach me.
  18. jcommerce

    First grow Recirculating DWC

    Looking good. I think you can very safely have your PPMs in the 500 range at this point.
  19. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Mine was very simply made from 2" x 1" wood studs from the hardware store and a roll of picture hanging cable. The cable is perfectly flexible for this purpose. I simply braided sections around wood screws anchored every 2 inches. I should have spent more time training and bending branches...
  20. jcommerce

    need a cheap air filter system(cheap)

    This is working well for me and should for you, assuming you have ducting for your exhaust: P.M. me with any further questions.