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  1. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Thanks Closet. That sounds like a very good idea. I'll have to remember that for the next go round. Day 42 (16th day of Flowering) Plants have moved out of pre-flower and into early flowering. Satori 3 (rear right) is definitely the strongest, most dominant plant of the bunch. I've had to...
  2. jcommerce

    My ebb and flow setup.

    Crazy, how does a setup like that not get root rot, or root bound at least? I would also think that the algae would cause problems. But hey, the proof's in the putting I guess, nice buds!
  3. jcommerce

    Do DWC Roots need airspace?

    The general consensus out there is to leave about 1" below the bottom of the net pot. It works for me!!
  4. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Yes, they were started from seeds. I used a very low mixture of botanicare's Pro Grow and Liquid Karma during the first week. I use R/O water always.
  5. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Wow, wish I had some right now. Anyone, please let me know if you know the name of this product. Thanks
  6. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Once the roots grew out of the net pot and reached the water level in the reservoir, there has been no need to water from above (hydroton). The only exception is that I've been foliar feeding/spraying once a week and spraying with pure R/O water every half week in between. Thanks for stopping by!
  7. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Well, that's it, so much for the male HB. Adios amigo! I'm now starting to realize that I should have switched to flower 4-5 days, maybe even a week, before I actually did. The box has filled in and got so dense, so quickly, that it's become detrimental to the light penetration. Now that the...
  8. jcommerce

    Gwarrior's 1st Bagseed & Blueberry Grow. Pics updated daily.

    That's some crazy shoit G-Dub. I would say that's a pretty happy ending , even though some plants went down, at least YOU didn't go down!
  9. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Day 35 (Day 9 of flowering) Good News!! 3 of 4 plants are female!! :hump: The only bummer is that my only Hashberry is the male :cry:. But hey, I'm not complaining. That means I have 3 wonderful female Satoris, so I'm pretty stoked! I took some pics so you could see the density of the...
  10. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Thanks for droppin by Chromer!... The next update probably won't be til this weekend unfortunately, but hopefully by then I'll be able to report the sexes of each plant. Hope to hear back from you along the way...
  11. jcommerce

    AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)

    Agreed, let the female grow. Where was the male all this time? Did you just notice the pollen sacks now??
  12. jcommerce

    Dr.Chronic Skepticism

    It's been over a year, but I batted .1000 with Dr. Chron. Fast and always in breeder's packs. Things may have changed since then...
  13. jcommerce

    Mandala Seeds - Hashberry Grow

    Sonofabitch. I think my only Mandala Blueberry is going to be a male. That is looking great!! Making me jealous and regretful...
  14. jcommerce

    Best video ever!!!

    To all my journal homies, I know this has nothing to do with growing, but check out this vid. Unbelievable yet Hilarious!! Soccer Kick
  15. jcommerce

    Cheap Carbon Filter Setup - All from Petstore!!

    Sorry this got posted twice y'all.....hit refresh button cause it wasn't loading.
  16. jcommerce

    600w buddha sister grow log

    Lookin good there edux! Way to go!
  17. jcommerce

    Cheap Carbon Filter Setup - All from Petstore!!

    Unfortunately I don't have step by step pics for this, but I'll try to describe it as detailed as possible. It's really very simple and works like a charm! Assuming you have ducting running out of your grow space, lamp/reflector, etc, this will work well for you. Here is what you'll need: 1)...
  18. jcommerce

    Cheap Carbon Filter Setup - All from Petstore!!

    Unfortunately I don't have step by step pics for this, but I'll try to describe it as detailed as possible. It's really very simple and works like a charm! Assuming you have ducting running out of your grow space, lamp/reflector, etc, this will work well for you. Here is what you'll need: 1)...
  19. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    I use Elite Aqua Fizz (see link below), both the round ones and the longer 4" - 6" types. They're to bomb! They really are "fizzy" Hagen Elite Aqua Fizzzz Air Stones Diffuse Water and Aerate Your Aquarium
  20. jcommerce

    CFL's and Aluminum Foil

    I got 2 mil mylar (instead of the 1 mil I was going to buy). It was a little bit more expensive, but it doen't crease easily at all and it doesn't punture or tear easily either.