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  1. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Right on, my first comment! Thanks bro!
  2. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Here are the pics.. Wish these were feminized seeds. If one's a male (or more), there's going to be hell to pay cutting em out of that Scrog....
  3. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Day 18 - As promised, here are some pics with a new SCROG screen now in place. Satori 3 looks like it will be the first on to try to poke through. That bitch will be getting pulled back soon while waiting for the others, especially Ms. Hashberry, to catch up. Also shown is a pathetic, blurry...
  4. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    K, now we're up to date. Just topped (FIM'ed actually) all 4 plants last night and put the SCROG screen in. More pics will be taken shortly and posted soon! Tank change this weekend and nutes will be brought up to 1/2 strength. Any thoughts, questions, or insight is welcome and appreciated.
  5. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    16 days olds - Here are pics from 11/19. Nutes are up to about 1/3 strength. Ph is between 5.7 - 5.8 (digital PH pen) and PPMs are about 450ish (digital TDS pen).
  6. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    System: Mandala Seeds - 1 Hashberry / 3 Satori Growbox approx. 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 Sunlight Supply System 2 - 250 Watt Ballast / Cool Glass 270 Watt Super Agro Lamp (20 Watts of Blue lighting) Two 7 gallon rubbermaid storage bins 150mm case fan exhaust line hooked to hood 90mm case fan...
  7. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    14 days old - These pics are from 11/17 after I'd lowered the nutes (think they were too high along with not getting enough air before). Did a flush with Clearex, let the system run on fresh R/O water for half a day. Then started back up with 1/4 strength Botanicare nutes.
  8. jcommerce

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    Starting a little late but here's a quick catch up starting at with plants about 10 days old. As you'll see, they were looking a little droopy, so I added an additional 2 valve pump so each plant has its own airstone. These pics are from about 11/15.
  9. jcommerce

    Best bottled CO2 method for small grows???

    Just trying to get ideas of the best bottled CO2 methods you guys are using for small grows (4 - 8 plants or so). Please share your thoughts on regulators, timers, time increments, etc.
  10. jcommerce

    Bubbler Pics (Day 16 Veg.)

    I personally use an aquarium powerhead with 2 inch tubing. It can pull or push 5 gallons in about 1 - 1.5 minutes. Other people have ball valves, fill lines, etc.
  11. jcommerce

    Bubbler Pics (Day 16 Veg.)

    Day (18 hrs) temps range from mid/high 70s - low/mid 80's depending on whether I have the cabinet open or not. I would say the average temp is around 80 with a drop to the high 60s at night (6 hrs). Each plant has 6-8 offshoot branches now that are on their 3rd or 4th internodes. Sorry for a...
  12. jcommerce

    Bubbler Pics (Day 16 Veg.)

    Here are some pics of 4 bubbler plants that first poked their heads up about 16 days ago. I think I bumped the nutes up too quickly (lower leaves show some curling), but I flushed a few days ago and the nutes are lower now. I think they're on the mend now. These things are getting bushy. What do...
  13. jcommerce

    Bubbler Question - How could manufacturer directions be so off?

    I start with R/O water that reads 000 - 003 PPM. They are looking better now since I did the Clearex flush yesterday and ran for 7 or 8 hours with pure R/O water. Nutes got to 250 ppms at the 1/5 strength I was talking about earlier. However, I added another 1 tbsp. of Pro Gro to each and...
  14. jcommerce

    AKDaze's First Stealth Closet Grow W/ 6 strains

    That's a pretty dope setup! Is that a closet door behind a closet door? Tell us the history of that little stealth room. Also, what's that you've got going on with the 3 case fans attached to that brown box. More pics!
  15. jcommerce

    Bubbler Question - How could manufacturer directions be so off?

    Sorry if that caused confusion, I thought it might. But your assumption is exactly what I meant. Check out my thread on the exact experience I've had with Botanicare nutes: Also, I know that their recommendations...
  16. jcommerce

    Bubbler Question - How could manufacturer directions be so off?

    I've gotten feedback from this and other sites that bubbler systems should ideally be run in the 300 PPM range for early - mid vegetative, with a max in the 600 PPM level at late veg and bloom. However, if you follow directions on Botanicare's nutrients and supplements for hydrogardens, it...
  17. jcommerce

    (pic's)Fan leaves curling, problem?

    Definitely get a Ph meter bro, or at least a Ph liquid test kit. Don't just step up the nutes w/o figuring out your Ph first.
  18. jcommerce

    stealth grow w/ pics!

    That setup looks pretty cool. What kind of fan setup is that? Are you going to step up to higher wattage cfl'swhen the plants get bigger?
  19. jcommerce

    Need advice on DWC

    I've been diluting the nutes down even more since I posted and they're looking a lot better. I'm going flush them with Clearex today and let the system run for a bit. Then I'm going to fill with pure R/O and slowly step the nutes up to the 300 ppm level over the next 24 - 48 hours. Sound good...
  20. jcommerce


    Based on comments above, what do you guys think about this chart (see link below)? It appears to me that if you drop below 5.5, you're going to start to lock out nitrogen and definitely lock out phosphorus and magnesium?? (To be clear, I'm a relative newb though and trying to learn all I can...