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  1. insanelane

    Lemon juice to lower PH??????

    What would be something around the house (like u said vinegar) for raising the ph up?
  2. insanelane

    Lemon juice to lower PH??????

    Well its a seedling about a week old now, 3 sets of leaves. Its in a rock wool cube, about to go into a hydro system for my first grow. Im using good tap water, but just to get it to about 5.8 - 6.0 ive been dripping a little lemon juice in the water and testing again and it seems to be...
  3. insanelane

    .....super Thrive.... Anyone Use This?

    I bought a bottle of it because it says its the worlds best... so i had to have it. I dont know when I should start using it, if at all. Anyone tried this supplement and maybe know a little about it?
  4. insanelane

    Lemon juice to lower PH??????

    Is it rrcommended to use lemon juice to lower the ph of my water?
  5. insanelane

    Is there a way to put BAT GUANO in a hydro system?

    My friend gave me some red bat guano and said to use it for my plants, but being as I have a hydro system, is there a way I could use this at all? Maybe sprinkle some on the rock wool or stir in the rez?
  6. insanelane


    So i can water them with good tap water or distilled water untill they have 4 sets of leaves? I have AN Sensi Bloom nutes but nothing for veg. Im not going to veg for very long at all, trying to hurry the process, so what would be a good cheap small amount of veg nutes that would be a good...
  7. insanelane

    When am i ready to put the rockwool cubes into the system???

    Well I have 2 rockwool cubes with plants about 4 inches tall so far and looking very healthy! Pics soon. I just bought a drip hydro system and I dont know when my young ones will be ready to put into the net pots or even when theyre ready for nutrients. I anxious to hit them with the AN Sensi. I...
  8. insanelane

    LADY BUGS EVERYWHERE!!! Will they harm my plants???

    Yeah its crazy, theyre everywhere when i go check on them. My window sills will have dead lady bugs all over it just by the time i get home every day. Im tired of vacuuming them up and flicking them off my plants. But i guess its good that they dont plan on eating it up like other insects do...
  9. insanelane

    LADY BUGS EVERYWHERE!!! Will they harm my plants???

    the spring weather is finally arriving and its causing hundreds of lady bugs to come out of my new home. I dont figure any bugs are good to have around plants, but they only seem attracted to the lights for heat rather than the plant itself. Anything i should or COULD do about this??? Anyone...
  10. insanelane


    Well I have 2 rockwool cubes with plants about 4 inches tall so far and looking very healthy! Pics soon. I just bought a drip hydro system and I dont know when my young ones will be ready to put into the net pots or even when theyre ready for nutrients. I anxious to hit them with the AN...
  11. insanelane

    Help with hydroponic

    Id look on ebay for a kit already made. I would say to go for a Deep Water Culture system. Their not too complex. Now for the nutes, I use Advanced Nutrients Sensi A&B Veg and Bloom series... pretty good stuff but kinda pricey, like 35 bucks for the A&B together (1qt) But my second choice...
  12. insanelane

    1st time DWC

    What is the maintainance of this hydro op? Were you always having to test ph or anything? What was the process like? Im about to start mine, just wondering whats ahead.
  13. insanelane

    Complete Newb really needs your help!!! PLEASE!?!

    if i chose to make a screen of green, would i still need to top the plant?
  14. insanelane

    Complete Newb really needs your help!!! PLEASE!?!

    Thanks bro, i wish more people would post, i never seem to get many hits lol, is there a special title i should use lol.
  15. insanelane

    Complete Newb really needs your help!!! PLEASE!?!

    Thanks a BUNCH, that REALLY summed up the whole problem of lighting I had, THANKS THANKS THANKS!!!! And about topping, ive heard of this from so many friends but looking at pictures it seemed if i topped the plant, im cutting a majority of the budding off... i suposse you recommend this because...
  16. insanelane

    Complete Newb really needs your help!!! PLEASE!?!

    Ive been stalling this project for 4 months now because all i do is read about this stuff. But hey, dont bother posting back if you dont want to help anybody out. I may be ignorrant, not stupid.
  17. insanelane

    First indoor grow and I REALLY need help PLEASE?!!!

    I just bought some lights for my new hydro drip system, some cool white and warm white cfl's (45w-120w) I have plenty but I was wondering what I need to start out with. I just got back from the FAQ but my question wasnt covered. I know i need the cool white for veg and warm for bud, but is it...
  18. insanelane

    Complete Newb really needs your help!!! PLEASE!?!

    I just bought some lights for my new hydro drip system, some cool white and warm white cfl's (45w-120w) I have plenty but I was wondering what I need to start out with. I just got back from the FAQ but my question wasnt covered. I know i need the cool white for veg and warm for bud, but is it...
  19. insanelane

    how many plants needed??

    well reason i asked was because i just bought a hydro system with 4 pots. I was gonna use two for now, then clone the best in the other two, kinda keep the tradition going... but i was gonna ScrOG method as well possibly, but if i ended up with males id have to cut him out of the screen. Just...
  20. insanelane

    How much to water a germinated seed in rock wool???

    Im so afraid of over watering. After the seed germinates and i put it in rock wool to start its life, how much do i water it. I am going to be using a hydro set up, and im also not exactly sure when the seedling will be ready for nutes. The seed is in a rock wool cube, so do i just drip a lil...