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  1. insanelane

    Having problems with my first grow... my poor leaves... PICS

    I cant ever seem to keep them alive tho, i do nothing but research for hours on end about growing and how to maintain a hydro op, and i still feel dumb because i cant even grow a weed. It just seems like I will do things correctly or well enough to get by, but it never turns in my favor. Im...
  2. insanelane

    Having problems with my first grow... my poor leaves... PICS

    -They are about 4 inches tall -3 Plants are in the same bottle bottom with about 4 inches of soil -The soil I am using is just some dirt from a cattle field that looked really good -I am just wanting to veg for a very short period of time, then transplant into a hydro system -They are all about...
  3. insanelane

    Having problems with my first grow... my poor leaves... PICS

    Good to know its normal then, thanks. I had the bottle clear for a lil while but then wrapped it with black duct tape cuz i heard light cant touch the roots. Holes are in the bottom, do they need to be bigger than the letters on a keyboard? I have six holes about that big.
  4. insanelane

    Having problems with my first grow... my poor leaves... PICS

    I have 3 young plants that look very healthy on the upper 4 sets of leaves. But the very first 4 leaves (2 sets) that always START the plant from seed, they are brown and dry and I am about to snip them and hope it doesnt stunt the plant or kill it. My soil must be horrible because yesterday...
  5. insanelane

    quetions using bubbbleponic system

    oh and try to keep you pH about 5.5 - 6.5 anywhere between is fine. 7.0 is neutral and will still work, but it makes it harder for the plant to take up the nutrients. So lower is better... but not too low.
  6. insanelane

    quetions using bubbbleponic system

    I would keep the water just a half inch below the net pots. Water them from the top until you see the roots reaching the water surface, then they can drink on their own. As for how much nutes, im kinda in the same problem, i need to find a chart. Everyone says start at a quarter strength than...
  7. insanelane

    EVER heard of this crazy sh!t??? PLANET X !?!

    While I was in Pensacola, FL my cuz and I went in a head shop and bought this "legal high" stuff called Planet X. The cashier was really recommeneding it so we caved and bought it. Turned out CRAZY!!! Worst short term memory Ive ever experienced. I actually got pretty fucked up for a legal...
  8. insanelane

    Too PARANOID???

    some are more fortunate than others, i wish i had contacts IN the state lol! Hot springs is a bigger city. Mount Judea has a pop. of like 200.
  9. insanelane

    Too PARANOID???

    Yeah, your just high. Supply and demand my friend. When you have 40 dollars and live in arkansas and only know ONE person that sells, and that one person just happens to have nothing but crappy smoke, sometimes you buy it anyways cuz its worth a shot. I wanted to smoke, so i bought it...
  10. insanelane

    Too PARANOID???

    Im broke because I bought a 120 dollar hydroponic system, medium, lights, Advanced Nutrients Sensi 2part Series nutes, and a room to put it all in. Now as I wait for my youngens to produce, I wait to get payed. Guess you could say I put all my eggs in one basket. And this commercial ditch...
  11. insanelane

    Too PARANOID???

    Im really broke and im trying a grow op for personal use since I cant afford to do what I love. I just want some decent seeds because all I have is bag seed from commercial shit that these rednecks around here sell. Dont even really have a high, so I dont wanna grow it. But when I ask someone...
  12. insanelane

    Have you expierenced Cannabis+Salvia together? SHARE

    You wont always have a bad trip, you can control it, you just cant think of anything negative because it wont let you change subjects really. If you let the thought of "fire" in your head during a trip, you will more than likely see your surroundings randomly catching on fire then quickly...
  13. insanelane


    My first trip was great, like i was in a ferris wheel lifting up, and up was the funniest/happiest place in the universe!!! I was looking at my girlfriend sayin "bye, im goin up here for a while, love you!" like i was leaving the world for a little bit. But other trips were bad, or too odd to...
  14. insanelane

    Im really new to this but i needa know

    Odd thread... um perhaps check out the GROWING MARIJUANA FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS, that should head u in a good direction. As of selling it... make friends with stoners.
  15. insanelane

    Here Comes another NU-B?

    Im using 8 26w cfls and a 200w growlite, but in hydro system. They seem to be working great for me so far, but id definitley recommend a HID if you can afford it.
  16. insanelane

    legal bud

    lol, that legal shit is pretty much a strong ciggerate tobacco. It will give u a small head change like if you take a huge drag from a Marlboro Red... if that. Otherwards its just kinda hinted with the "taste" of those famous strains.
  17. insanelane

    Is it possible to flower too early???

    About how much would one yield approx with bag seed that started flowering after 2 weeks of sprouting? I have 2 26w Daylight cfls and 4 26w warm white, plus a 200w growlite. Im going to add more im sure, i want A LOT of light in there. Im also using Advanced Nutrients Sensi Series, hope...
  18. insanelane

    Is it possible to flower too early???

    How long did u veg them for? My friend says you can start flowering pretty much when it has leaves. It doesnt seem right to me, so thats why i posted this thread. Thatd be so cool if i can just sprout some seeds and start blooming.
  19. insanelane

    Is it possible to flower too early???

    Is there a certain age the plant has to be before you can flower it or can you start flowering when its, lets say, 2 weeks old? Is there any problems to face if you bloom early like that or is it just kinda keepin it small?
  20. insanelane

    .....super Thrive.... Anyone Use This?

    That kinda sucks. I got it because it had pictures of huge tomatoes and pumpkins, figured itd be like steriods for your plants... guess not tho. Any pros and cons on bat guano?