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  1. insanelane

    ANYONE know how tall they will grow???

    Im aware that the growth is different between indica and sativa, so i guess im asking for both, but out of curiousity... growing hydroponically, do plants more often stay shorter and bushy as compared to outdoor soil? Just letting the plant go in a 10 ft high room and not topping it...
  2. insanelane

    HPS or MH lighting?????

    Those seem a bit expensive. Would flouresent be a way to wing it, or do they not put off the right light? I just usually hear that if youre only growing 2-3 plants, like i plan to, 250w is a minimum but will do the job fine. Would you recommend DWC or is their an easier way, other than...
  3. insanelane

    HPS or MH lighting?????

    I just wanna grow a couple plants for personal use, and as long as they give me a high in the end, Im satified. Im unsure of what light source to use because both hps and mh seem the best. But say I bought a 250 hps bulb, will i have to buy anything else or will it fit into a standard light...
  4. insanelane

    am i totally fucked with a 120 watt grow light?....

    I bought the same exact light as you did from Home Depot... biggest they had, lol. I havent started my plants yet cuz after reading posts at various areas, i was figured itd be a waste of time until I got some more wattage. But you said its been working for you? Please tell me how well cuz if...