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  1. B

    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    Question: By increasing the amount of light each bud site is getting, am i taking away from the possible density of what seems to be the main bud sites? Or is this basically tricking the plant to thinking that all the bud sites are the main ones because they're getting equal light? I would think...
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    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    I vegged for about a month and a week or two. I wish I took a clone from this guy, but you cant take clones when it's in flower stage right? Here's an updated pic...i basically heated up a nail and poked holes in the side of my container and used wool string(red circle) to get the stalk down a...
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    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    damn so from seed to harvest could be 4 months for the size of a PC grow? that seems like way too long. I did find a way to prop up a light i had to put a box is running about..7800 lumens
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    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    Any idea how many more weeks it will take for me to harvest? Two things: Is watering every OTHER day with 1/4 strength of my bloom nutes ok? Also, does more lumens = faster grow? I had an idea if I could find a straight desk lamp, I could put in a CFL(it would be a 6500k light is that bad???) to...
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    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    Ok. So I'm not training the main stem hard enough you guys are saying? I know LST means LOW stress training, so I didn't want to be too rough. From the pictures, how much further should i drag the main stem down?
  6. B

    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    Update: I think a week in a half in to flower. Using MG bloom nutes now...water once every other day...too much ya think? In the third picture im guessing that's my main cola? Im trying to LST her down is that good(pic 5)? THere are a few node sites beneath her that I thought might be smart to...
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    Can lights be too close for optimal coverage/penetration?

    good question...wondering the same thing. anyone?
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    My first harvest!!!

    Hey man, nice grow..what nutes did you use and why PH so low? I heard soil should be 6.5-6.8?
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    My first harvest, part two!!

    What nutes did you use?
  10. B

    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    I have another question lol...ok, the 3rd picture from the left looking down at the plant. to try and stop the plant from growing upwards too fast, can i take more wire and LST those two tops sideways? Basically bend them both going long ways across my container?
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    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    I'm trying to use LST to move as many big leaves out of the way as possible to hit the smaller nodes. Is it possible to lst TOO much resulting in a herm? I'm bending some of the side stems parallel...not taking any guy standing straight up and bending it upside down though. I'll send a pic of my...
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    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    coca i really don't want it to stretch! What if I just take the one book away and let it sit on the other one? Will it really grow 3-4 inches upwards in the matter of 6 days? hydro, so basically the idea is to let the light hit all the underleaf, but i have a question is it possible to OVER...
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    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    I'll be away for about 6 days, but i'm switching my timer to 12/12 and i put in all 2700k lights for flowering. I dont want to start with nutes before I leave as i'm paranoid about my girl getting big and hitting the lights while im gone and can't LST. Will it really matter if I dont start nutes...
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    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    How is my LST so far and should i do more of it? For example with those two tops in the 2nd picture from the right, should i bend those guys over?
  15. B

    First closet grow. Be warned, very cheap, very ghetto. maybe? 24/8/16
  16. B

    PC GROW (pics) looking for tips on my LST and what I can do better to minimize growth

    Thank you for checking this out. I try to give you guys a few angles and also how much room I have left in my box. Currently, i have my plant on the two books...should I keep it there until it gets closer to the lights or drop it down? I topped it once, not sure if it worked out alright...
  17. B

    THanks for looking! Should I flower yet? PC BOX grow (pics)

    Anyone with any experience with PC grows or other related knowledge?