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  1. C

    how my 4 week plant look

    hello im doing my first grow ever im growing it outdoor can you tell me how it looks
  2. C

    Plant too small?

    What kind of pot you growing it in cause the pot could be to small for the roots
  3. C

    looking for seeds

    How long will it take to come is it longer then a weeek
  4. C

    looking for seeds

    Anybody got seeds
  5. C

    ordering seeds fron sea of seeds

    How long will it take for seeds to reach fl or which is a good seed provider first time ordering
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    looking for seeds

    I am looking for someone or a website That will ship seed to florida
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    need help!!!

    what is the best thing you think i could do with this plant???
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    need help!!!

    do you think i could put it outside and it will grow better or keep it inside
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    need help!!!

    im a noob this is my first grow ever and this plant is 4 months old and look how its looking i had one light on it just added two more on it i wanted to know to know if its a female or male cause i see alot white hairs growing from the branches give me some advice
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    I am a noob need help !!!

    is this the only strain
  11. C

    need help!!!

    im a noob this is my first grow ever and this plant is 4 months old and look how its looking i had one light on it just added two more on it i wanted to know to know if its a female or male cause i see alot white hairs growing from the branches give me some advice
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    I am a noob need help !!!

    i need help finding a good outdoor strain that would have high yield but grow short and chunky
  13. C

    Some rather noob outdoor questions...

    I'm having same problem I'm in florida dwn south need an lil advicd
  14. C

    yellow leafs n wont grow

    Had plant for like 4 month's and this is what I got I need an lil help