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  1. J


    This will be my third grow outdoors in the ground legally here in Oregon. The first grow resulted in lots of huge buds. Last year I topped the heck out of my plants and had a lot of bud, but much smaller. We also had a cooler and wet fall last year. Would topping too much cause this smaller bud...
  2. J

    Where to buy some teens

    In Oregon Willamette Valley area. Lots of mites etc around this year I'm told, and that's why I'm looking for recommendations. Ken
  3. J

    Fukd up

    I knew a guy that had crabs once and tried it. He lived.
  4. J

    Young black males and public education.

    Yes, I left your school yard some time ago.
  5. J

    Young black males and public education.

    Who do you think built the first railroads and roads in this country?
  6. J

    Young black males and public education.

    Would you have an income if someone wasn't making a profit?
  7. J

    Young black males and public education.

    The report seems quite subjective in cherry picking data to compare, that being said if your contention is true, parents now have a choice. It seems reasonable to me that JQ Public can send their children to the school of their choice. Let the market decide whether a school is succeeding or not...
  8. J

    Young black males and public education.

    There is very little free market education in this country in grades 1-12, and that is in fact part of the problem. Unions have a huge influence on the quality of education regardless of demographics.
  9. J

    Young black males and public education.

    I actually heard a news from a Portland Oregon radio station that Oregon HS graduation rates have improved for white students. No shit, I couldn't believe I actually heard that , but it's what liberals do when they are losing at anything. They change the rules. As to what to do, I would first...
  10. J

    How much bud can I take with me?

    Ok, nevermind
  11. J

    How much bud can I take with me?

    We have a home in AZ and spend a few winter months there. I have a OMMP card from here in Oregon. How much weed can I take to AZ via California? LEGALLY!
  12. J

    Vacuum sealing in jars

    Well, so much for the good discussion. I will share that my Food Saver II Professional overheats and shuts down every half hour or so of nearly continuous use.
  13. J

    Warning: not a safe zone, no PC allowed

    Profound! Is this copyrighted?
  14. J

    Warning: not a safe zone, no PC allowed

    He wanted a beach house, that's all.
  15. J

    Anyone use greenhouses?

    This is five plants sometime in August in a 10x40. These plants made access difficult before Oct 15 when we harvested
  16. J

    Anyone use greenhouses?

    How many plants do you think you can grow in 12x20?
  17. J

    Vacuum sealing in jars

    I have the ability to do this and don't see any reason not to. My searches resulted in lots of folks saying it's a good thing, but I'm curious about long term storage. Oregon has an abundance of weed and you can't hardly give it away.
  18. J

    Trump appointees

    Which islands?
  19. J

    Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation.

    Remember when Romney told Obama that Russia was our biggest threat and obama laughed?
  20. J

    Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation.

    Just listened to a bit of Hillary at her Florida rally. Same shit Democrat's have been fixing for 50 years. Tax the rich, equality for women, corporations suck bla, bla, bla. She told the audience that they could vote everyday right up to the election, and I suspect some of them will.