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  1. J

    Too tall

    I'm new at this and need some help. My plants are getting too tall. I've tried bending them over without a lot of success as there is a lot of it and they get real crowded. Can I pinch and bend the tops over and if it's OK, how far down from the top do I need to be. It looks like if I can bend...
  2. J

    My Mentor and all around good guy

    These pictures are some weeks apart.
  3. J

    My Mentor and all around good guy

    I visited my mentor and good friend today. I always feel insignificant in his presence. Thanks Brother
  4. J

    No guns for medical MJ users

    The forum rules don't apply to you it seems. I'm not a novice. I like to bait them and see how long it takes for them to spew forth the profanity. I'm a big boy and will admit it if I'm wrong. Alinsky, Hillary's mentor
  5. J

    No guns for medical MJ users

    Does it confuse liberals when they realize there are gun toting conservatives on this forum that share some of their same interests, or does it piss them off? I guess I'm too dumb to know.
  6. J

    No guns for medical MJ users

    Our Constitution was drafted with the specific intent of preventing thoughts like yours from being enacted. Shall not be infringed is not a subjective statement. Do you dispute that history starts for a person when they are born? There is a ton of data available about gun restriction results and...
  7. J

    Leaf Hoppers

    I went out this morning to look for hoppers and the first one I put the sneak on to squish was dead. I found other dead ones too and very few living. It appears that it takes a couple days for the spinosad to work as they have to ingest it. I'm happy and thankful for the advise. Read the...
  8. J

    No guns for medical MJ users

    History starts for some folks when they are born and never looks back. BTW, your information is incorrect, ask an Auzzie.
  9. J

    No guns for medical MJ users

    It's always easy for one man to give another mans freedom away, and that's a slippery slope. History has proven that disarming citizens leads to treachery and that is exactly why we have the 2A.
  10. J

    No guns for medical MJ users

    Brought to you by the liberal 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco. I've had just about all the government I can tolerate in one lifetime.
  11. J

    Leaf Hoppers

    I got the Spinosad yesterday and sprayed last evening. There seem to be a lot fewer of them this afternoon, and hopefully less in the morning. The directions say not to use over 3 gallons per 1000sq ft. I used a gallon on my plants and it was barely enough using a fine mist. I'm curious what...
  12. J

    Leaf Hoppers

    Stopped in a local grow shop today and the young lady was very helpful. Here is what I learned, drum roll........................You don't want to smoke Leaf Hoppers. I am so thankful.
  13. J

    Leaf Hoppers

    Thanks! I read a lot about it and ordered some. Ken
  14. J

    Leaf Hoppers

    You guy's are just full of good news
  15. J

    Leaf Hoppers

    These bastards suck the liquid out of stems and now that my plants are blooming they get into the buds. I don't know how much damage they are doing, but it is concerning. Anyone been down this road? I'm in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Picture won't upload. I'll keep trying. Thanks, Ken
  16. J

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Banana Girl Banana Kush/GSC
  17. J

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Two weeks later and some warm weather. WooHoo
  18. J

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Should I start feeding a little bloom fertilizer. This is my second year and the learning curve is still uphill.
  19. J

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    OK, I'll play
  20. J

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Just almost doesn't look real