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    dwc hydro / soil: side by side

    its not that you told me how to fix the issue . you told me i should flip burgers . again being your self . uneducated among other things could go on for hours what kind of person you are but i dont need to all the viewers already know it .
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    dwc hydro / soil: side by side

    what ever your doing is not helping roolitup . why not keep it to your self ? all your doing is making your self look stupid . i am waiting for good advice from you on any subject and there is zero .
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    Phosphorous lockout? (Pics)

    strange . once in a wile i will get one that is not healthy and every other one is happy . keep doing what your doing the others are good so keep it up . when i get these freak sick plants some times i even feed them there own nutrients with a lot more ppm some times it helps half the...
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    i did 4 inches and they stretched to about 8 inches i actually did ok off it . i dont do bonzai i do magic cherry tomatoes you can smoke them .
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    dwc hydro / soil: side by side

    do you have any comments that relate or contribute to the posting ? or do you only look to bash on people . your bewilderment . so you cant contribute to a posting .
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    What bug is this?

    dont you see the small white dots on the leafs ? these bugs are sucking on the leafs . act now or lose this plant !
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    Phosphorous lockout? (Pics)

    is this the tallest plant closest to the light ?
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    Best Soil for Germinated Seeds?

    plant it into the grow block . and have it sitting in a 1/2 or so of water . works good . its very wet . try 1 you wont go back to your...
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    Led or mh/hps for next grow

    in your space only way to go is led . those plants are hating the cfl looking all droopy .they are like a guy saying man i want to go fuck and stop putting lip stick on my hand . lmao . suggest looking for a good led .
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    Best Soil for Germinated Seeds?

    cherry tomatoes .
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    Best Soil for Germinated Seeds?

    like grow blocks . its like paper towel . works very well .
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    Anyone hit those biotches with brown sugar and molasses during flower?

    those plants for out side are very small . this guy does not know what hes doing . this guy has a better idea
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    Anyone hit those biotches with brown sugar and molasses during flower?

    used it same stuff . with or with out . there are a lot of nutrients that contain amounts of sugars .
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    Seed shortage

    what are you talking about ? there is no shortage . possible your using a small company ? i just called 2 friends there not seeing an issue . and if it got very bad you know there are ways to herm a female plant that was femed . to produce what your looking for .
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    Do clones need nutes besides rooting gel?

    i used to do zero nutrients in my cloner . but i see a bit or yellowing , so i run 1/4 of regular dose of nutrients working very well for me . also scrap the stem with a sharp razor so on lightly that you want to form roots it will shave off a week or so of waiting . i am talking...
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    old dog new tricks

    is there a question ? or is that all you wanted to comment
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    A dog in a growroom. Bad idea?

    only time i allow mine in is after i give him a bath . and yes the nutrient buckets covered . we spend 4 or 5 hours in there he has a big smile on his face loves it . looks around and finally hour or so later lays in the sun under a light . yes very good concern posted above dogs...
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    How to harvest successfully with thrips?..

    i had to do the wash thing when i had mites . came out ok nobody new lol
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    plant flowering too early

    so you put this bad boy into 12/12 or ? if so it will start to flower and stop stretching in about 2 or so weeks
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    Are these ready?

    hard to see that in the first pic . it looked like one single branch . as stated above good advice they often stretch 2 or 3 times the size .