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  1. B

    How big a pot for 2 - 2.5 month veg

    nice looking plants . i use .05 / 3/ 5/ 7/ and 10/ /and finally 20 gallon pots . the 3/ gallon pots i can pack a lot under alight do very good . now a bigger plant i go 5 or 7 i see no difference . the 10 slightly bigger for but no yield difference from the 7 or 10 . but the 20...
  2. B

    not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

    thanks . if t dont work out i will be accepting donations . lol . luck i have a little money in the bank . or i be very fucked .
  3. B

    go ahead an pick on me lol . cheap led . i think it will do what i want .

    its ok i am used to being bashed and put into a negative sentence . its my part on roolitup . lol
  4. B

    not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

    trust me . i am so stressed out right now about work i was accused of steeling . so there is nothing to do all day and night . 2 damn bosses starring at the workers . even the boss has a boss so its fucked . so standing around stressed out the main boss accuses me of steeling accounts...
  5. B

    go ahead an pick on me lol . cheap led . i think it will do what i want .

    this light is bright . floods the entire area . typo .
  6. B

    go ahead an pick on me lol . cheap led . i think it will do what i want .

    i am currently using this for my hydro cloning machine . needed some thing cheap ...
  7. B

    not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

    yea i did not sleep i think that night over 2 days lol . you can get very out of it . i dont know if i had is messed up . im sure i screwed a lot of stuff being sleep deprived . coffee does nothing for you when your up that long your body is not tired but your mind will start drifting...
  8. B

    purple kush ready for harvest?

    thank you . i agree . only correct way of doing it is the way you like .
  9. B

    Veging for months.....

    top them . keep topping them the stay short and bushy .
  10. B

    Dark period interruption

    as long as they are seeing 18 hours of light . then it could have light leaks . why not switch to 24/7 ?
  11. B

    purple kush ready for harvest?

    no not another flushing debate . i deplore you not to start this again . lol
  12. B

    When should I harvest?

    zoom in very close to the flower bud . i am saying super close inches .
  13. B

    nutrients and bigger plants .

    these are in 20 gallon pots .
  14. B

    Solar power ?

    of you order from them make sure you pa through the website . gold supplier . there are scammers every where . china is a long drive .
  15. B

    nutrients and bigger plants .

    my question is . if your growing big plants 4 foot around and 5 foot tall . do you push the nutrients harder more ppm then you would a smaller plant that is about a foot tall . or push them all the same . i have been hitting them all the same . just looking for some opinions wondering...
  16. B

    missed watering

    its only a 400 watt . 10 inches is good . if your concerned about the 400 watt . you dont want to see how close i have a 1000 watt hps . those fuckers are hitting the glass . some of them are but air cooled the 600 are about 12 inches not air cooled but a lot of air movement . this...
  17. B

    Solar power ?

    sorry i did not see solar . lol . to much sampling . i used to get the hook up on panels dropped shipped from china . not worth the investment in mi . so i only sold a hand full on line was not worth my time . check this site out . possible help you i know it will be the cheapest ...
  18. B

    Solar power ?

    if you in the usa . i bought a cheap one for 80 bucks .. you will need a larger one . keep in mind it will cost a a lot to run a gene 12/12 at 1000 watts so run 2000 watts on this model ...
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    if they are happy with it all the matters . possible the have a very high number of plants
  20. B

    Pictures and questions, outdoor grow

    tell me its in the back yard and you r in a wooded area and not in the big city where somebody can look over the fence and call the authorities .