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  1. B

    Pictures and questions, outdoor grow

    looks like 6 more weeks to finished . who so close to the house ? be sure to check the plant that i s sitting or resting on the house . if its touching the wall it possible could mold on the leafs direct contact . so be sure to check every other day or do a quick trim .
  2. B

    Cloning! chronic x northern lights

    i applaud you . some advice and not a bash . well done . how does it feel to contribute ?
  3. B

    not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

    my advice is smoke up lol found this . its strange that a lot of news that was on line last night was taken off . this is old news . there is no new updates on this . enough of this...
  4. B


    i said they drank it . must of been mistaken . i seen them drink some thing . i would not of drank . lol .
  5. B


    you may be correct . how stupid would you be to drink any thing like that . may of been baked at this trade show . you know the long walk in give you time to sample your goodies .
  6. B

    not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

    idk what to think . they hit it with with a nuke that was 50 times as big as the one they dropped in japan 500 kilo tuns i think . and every other countries hit the shit out of it as well . so were not giving the entire truth . news of this event is not know in the us at all ...
  7. B


    in other countries the us coke . soda or pop . they spray there fields to prevent bugs some thing in it bugs hate . i thought the sugar would bring bugs but i guess not what do i know. i dont know cheap pest control .
  8. B

    not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

    so i have been watching some videos . reading the news i can find mostly news from other country then the us . they are building some machines to put up in space the project is expose to be done in 5 years . 2 machines that main purpose is to change the direction on an asteroid that...
  9. B

    not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

    glad i found this news out tonight or i would of not gone to work for the last 3 or 4 days . man i have to get to bed i have been up no sleep well over 55 hours . work .
  10. B

    6000 Watt Sealed Room

    cant see a pic . as long as they are sealed up so you can hook up your exhaust fan it will work
  11. B

    Budrot Nightmare

    mold is a evil mother fucker .
  12. B


    you know when mighty wash first hit the market i was at there trade show . the company reps would actually drink the mighty was to show us that is safe . so if they drank it come on . your data is incorrect some where . its like drink a diet pop or soda or tonic water it has...
  13. B


    possible to take pic with the hps off with a white light ? so hard to tell with the hps . or put the camera on a blue sunglasses
  14. B

    Is dark brown hairs normal?

    wow those are very dark, usually turn brown amount white purple . never seen them this thick and dark . the plant smell normal not like mold . ? if not i guess its going to be ok . just how she wants to grow .
  15. B

    not plant related unless they hit lol asteroids

    any body watching or reading about these asteroids ? was watching you tube i did not even know we shot nukes up to break up a planet killer . guess we broke it up in smaller pieces can find any new info if were expecting more hits to earth in he next day or so . if were expecting hits...
  16. B


    look at that plant . it looks like a cactus good job . the baby plants can produce
  17. B

    Best Soil for Germinated Seeds?

    i put them in the 1/2 inch of water they get soaked and wet and i walk away for a week . leave a small light above so they have there sun . there are lots of way people use grow blocks . drip flood and drain . sitting in tubs water . dry and water like you . this sin the nice thing...
  18. B

    dwc hydro / soil: side by side

    i dont . lol i think its funny . i have been up for 49 hours straight . work it killed time waiting to see what knuckle heads would say next
  19. B

    What bug is this?

    hey the bugs have to eat too . its a salad bar for them .
  20. B

    dwc hydro / soil: side by side

    lmfao . who said i was growing weed ? and again your talking like an uneducated man . you can read and your mommy is reading all these posts for you . and replying typing for you too . so then i dont have to leave a message through you .i left my wallet on your desk last night i...