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  1. Skyhound

    My mostly indicas grow @ day 85 Week 13 since flip - need opinion

    its not mental its something in my grows, the test sample was a good weed , after 5 minute of smoking it i had to seat because my tolerance is so low , i will treat them till they mature but im guessing this is my last grow
  2. Skyhound

    My mostly indicas grow @ day 85 Week 13 since flip - need opinion

    no this time left to dry in dark on ambient temperatures till it got crispy , 4 days , not even a slight buzz
  3. Skyhound

    My mostly indicas grow @ day 85 Week 13 since flip - need opinion

    For example 3 days ago i traveled to other city to buy 20 grams , the test sample got me real high , but i got robbed again because the bag i got has seeds and 0 high
  4. Skyhound

    My mostly indicas grow @ day 85 Week 13 since flip - need opinion

    yes different stages , Not its not cbd strains , this are 2 diferent seed banks , and genetics that dont have a cbd variation
  5. Skyhound

    My mostly indicas grow @ day 85 Week 13 since flip - need opinion

    Hi guys , Im growing 4 plants on 7 lts. pots , i chosed potent verified good strains with the help of diaries and reviews of users , LSD from barneys farm , and White Whidow from duch passion and im growing them on a 60x60x160cm tent using soil and nutrients full line from biobizz at 100% ...
  6. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    If it isnt the lights what could be , everything is in place
  7. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    i didnt do the same thing by an accident had to run 2 diferent strain , one outgrow the other , lsd are at the right distance , dont need to be harsh
  8. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods the closer ones sadly are very near at less then 20 cm , i have now dimmed
  9. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    So the results of the app ( also samsung sensor is very good ) coincide with the manufactures sheet and u completly ignore that . U also ignore dozens of articles on the internet that talk about this problem with to much ppfd and that the ideal ppfd is 900 no more without co2. Please stop...
  10. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    Im using my samsung sensor with an aplication developed by a riu user , i tested the manufacturer results at the distance they provide and results are similar . Im not inventing this theres a lot of articles saying the ideal ppdf is 900 not more , also i found many articles saying to much ppfd...
  11. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    U didnt have extreme levels of ppfd like i did U show 1250 ppfd i had 1800+ ppfd in the higher slower plants
  12. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    So do u want me to show you my 4 plants that have different heights and from the lower to the taller the maturation level is higher on the lower plants even within same strains , im not imagining this , i read some articles , and my plants are telling me that
  13. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    Im gonna say regardless of what documents u are refering , that in past i microwaved dozens of flower with the steam vapour microwave method and i got high. Also if u do a quick search here on riu u have many testemonials of people having the same experience as i .
  14. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    My 2 higher plants , the ones that have lots of white pistils, the lower are almost 100% brown and few starting to curl , but my higher plants were getting 1800+ ppfd . Also genetics might react differently to light stress , what ive learned is to much intensity can cause light stress and...
  15. Skyhound

    What could cause longer flowering periods

    Hi all , just wanted to tell everyone , after reading a lot , that i found the source of my problem, might be yours too . I was giving my plants more then 1200 ppfd and it seems that kind of light intensity might cause light stress and flowering time might increase because of that . Altough my...
  16. Skyhound

    To much headless thrichomes

    ?? why would u say that
  17. Skyhound

    To much headless thrichomes

    its not powedry mill
  18. Skyhound

    To much headless thrichomes

    I swear , when i get high i will call it a miracle , i tried all , in the streets the hash cost 4x more since covid and doesnt get u high , with bitcoin it comes but is absolute garbage dry and dont get u high , so on last resort im trying to grow , going against law :( , spended hundreds and...
  19. Skyhound

    To much headless thrichomes

    aw man i really hope it was that , the thing is i dont think it was , because the stalks were really firm and big but headless , if it was smash they wouldnt be erected