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  1. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    MY plants show no def or toxicitys, smell great and when i touch them its like th«ouching glue dunno waht im doing wrong
  2. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    in some countries of europe we are living a nightmare since covid, hash now cost 4x what it was before and 80% is bad hash that gives no high i stoped wasting money
  3. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    im not paranoid , my last grow went to garbage because no potency...
  4. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    if i show u guys the thrichomes in a few hours will that help findingg an awnser
  5. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    impossible lsd is only feminized non cbd , im also planting withe widow with also no effects at all , different breaders , its other unknow problem
  6. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    I ve read some about lsd strain and altough is told is not much frosty it is really very potent
  7. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    I mean , i understand the jokes , but there is other side of people that are saying to me the buds at this point should at least give me a buzz , but i get nothing
  8. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    Nop im using full biobizz line at 100%
  9. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    i get nothing zero buzz , i tried a sample that was in front of dehumidifer 3 days and it also didnt get me high , this is what is strange people report effects even if theire light theres something , i get nothing thats why im scared
  10. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    10 weeks and half since flip , they look like they need at least 2 or 3 weeks more
  11. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    i also tryed it in past, with other microwave, with sucess ...
  12. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    Thats the type of awnser i was looking when i made this thread , to know if its possible that at this age my plant is still not producing the ammount of thc required to get u high
  13. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    i dont feel redicule at all , as i said i tryied this methods in past and they worked , and ive seen many testemunials saying the same
  14. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    I understand that for the best results i should naturally dry and cure the flowers , thats not the point, the point is i see people getting high on plants that still have white pistils with quick drie methods , i should be able to do so too , as a fact i planted 10 years ago with almost no...
  15. Skyhound

    Carbon filter brands that are good/decent?

    Koala Filters , high quality filters
  16. Skyhound

    Plants have consciousness

    Guys dont stop here , to much interesting, that release of DMT a few weeks after being born , and when we die cant be a coincidence
  17. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    i dont understand the jokes , its a fact that people try weed on quick dry methods when some pistils are still white and they get high , i just wanted to know why it works for many people but not for me... and if it is a sign that the plants are not gonna be very potent
  18. Skyhound

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high - part 2

    hi guys , just an update , lsd looks like this , i tried 2 samples one microwaved and one left to dry in front of dehumidifer for 72 hours , not even a slight buzz , im starting to fear that again my plants are not gonna get me high for some reason i dont understand , plant that was sampled...
  19. Skyhound

    11 weeks since the flip, do this look normal ?

    Sorry im a noob and cant really give u some advise on this , but im also very interested in knowing if its good practice to leave them till they drop , i always imagined that is the wtg because the plant might absorb the nuts in the dying leaf . Maybe u could try a sample at this point to test...