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  1. B

    EXPERIMENTS 101 - What Have You Tried - What Works/Doesn't Work

    I use mg currently for veg plants are green and very happy . my current brand stop making it . so I went out on a limb mg plant food its a liquid 1 teaspoon per gallon works very good only 6 bucks can treat 500 gallons . also I mix the same mg in flower along with my flower nutrients...
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    anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

    damn don't her ass look sexy .love those shorts . her friend on the right single too
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    anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

    reason I don't put in ice bottles . I might not be home for 3 or so days at a time and I am a lazy fuck or to busy playing my video games .
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    400 watt Harvest

    if your talking about my aviator . that is my big boss on the left turned around .
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    400 watt Harvest

    well you harvested . that is HUGE ! . well done . next time will be even better but sorry to same some times its not as much fun .
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    Controlling ph.

    why no nutrients ?
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    400 watt Harvest

    looks good for your first grow . next time start flower a lot earlier . you will actually pull the same . if not more . this plant is way to tall . veg to a foot tall max. these plant stretch as you know 2 or 3 times the size .
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    anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

    66 is ok . the colder the better should read up on o2 and water temps . at 63 its at the peak the a mount of o2 the water can hold if you read all this then you read to much lol . its very scientific . to much shit to read ill post it any ways . my woman understand all this I get...
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    anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

    it will be next week budley before I have a chance to get his water chiller up ill post pics of it up as well
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    anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

    yes I will let you know . currently I am in the process of expanding my automatic water feeder system . its on a timer feed the ladies 4 times a day they love it . got 2 trash cans full of water with nutrients ph. a small pump on the bottom stirring all the good stuff up I have over 100...
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    anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

    I want my water about 60 to 65 steady . don't want I need ! my water cold . thinking about breaking down and buying one of the actual aqua chillers for 270 a real water chiller made for this shit . we will see after my experiment lol .
  12. B

    anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

    those cheap chillers do not have built in ac .... so they will not cool more then 6 to 8 degrees
  13. B

    4100k bulbs - good for veg just before flower?

    then use the 4200 for flower it will work just fine .
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    anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

    i was trying to be lazy though possible the air pump would put the cold into the water . I do have a unit going the same with a heater core water transfer . this works well . for shits and giggles I am going to try the air thing first and more then likely wont work ill go the water way .
  15. B

    Pot size question

    never pulled that with a soil grow in a 3 gallon . but in a 5 yes . hope this helps some . as a reminder again all my posts on roolitup or any where else are pertaining to cherry tomatoes . or I am full of shit or I have a learning disability .
  16. B

    Nutes after flush

    5 days . or 7 days . up to you there is no answer that is correct . its your garden . you did not tell us if your hydro or soil and what size pots . I am guessing your in soil I would wait 5 or so days then start feeding
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    4100k bulbs - good for veg just before flower?

    to much reading a lot of stoners here . are you asking if its better to use a 4200 k before flower change it out from the 6500 to the 4200 then go to the hps ? if this is your question there will not be any advantage . get the hps up asap in flower no reason for a slow color change ...
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    a lot of people leave the nutrients in the water for days before watering to make sure all the bleach is out of the water for one and make sure if they are using a powder its fully dissolved . actually better to let it sit 24 hours before use . I have seen containers that have 52 gallons of...
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    I gotta move them.

    yes as long as you don't cut the roots . no issues . just water them ASAP when you get to point b . no soil no water . you have a few hours to move them