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  1. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    lol its okay my AC exhaust vent came loose yesterday and it was reading 99.7 in the room :) back to normal now though...thank god. canopy temps are going to be consistently in the mid 80s from here on out (except at night i guess)
  2. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread much do you think it would cost to setup blumats for 2 flower tents - one that is 8x8 and another 4x8....usually around 30 or 40 pots, 90+ plants... how does the water pressure work also...i haven't even looked into them honestly...just another thing to layer on top of all the shit i...
  3. Cann

    Aloe Vera

    hence the citric acid in the "preservative free" brands of aloe...the problem is getting the dilution right, and i'm not sure where to start with that. the real question is - why are we trying to store it in the first place?
  4. Cann

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    call feed stores...they usually sell #50 bags of kelp for livestock owners...i've been quoted around $90-$110 usually. shipping #50 of anything is usually a rip off...much better off to find it locally. somewhere must have it... go on google maps and look for farm/feed and ask...
  5. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    teaming with nutrients is in my cart on amazon right now :) my bokashi setup consists of a 5 gallon bucket w/ holes drilled in the bottom, placed inside of a 6 gallon bucket w/ spigot (can purchase at a homebrew store for around $10). then there is your typical 5 gallon bucket lid to assure...
  6. Cann

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Every new worm owner should have the book Worms Eat My Garbage by Mary Appelhof. Cheap, succinct, and will guarantee success with your bins. I recommend this book to folks all the time...its up there w/ one straw revolution, teaming with microbes, etc. on the recommendation list. one of those...
  7. Cann

    Aloe Vera

    ICmag is full of brilliant folks ;)
  8. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    :) I sent a few very cordial PM's to a few of the organic mods (malignant, potroast, budnugbong) a couple weeks ago and haven't heard back...shoulda PM'ed you lol. this would be an awesome sticky, along w/ the official vermicomposters thread. VC is an integral part of most folks' organic soil...
  9. Cann

    Aloe Vera

    yup you are correct! hyroot - you should've used the aloe right away...kelp can be steeped for a while, but aloe reacts with oxygen and you start losing the beneficial compounds after roughly 20 minutes. not the end of the world, but next time use it immediately! on another note - some...
  10. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    lol i have almost every single one of those things in my house.... do you foliar w/ the karanja oil? i have been having issues getting the ahimsa neem oil to emulsify you use dr. bronners or potassium silicate as your emulsifier?
  11. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    Precisely :bigjoint: let us know how it works for ya!
  12. Cann

    Aloe Vera

    are we talking rubbing straight aloe gel onto the leaf like you'd rub it onto your skin? lol. try it out i guess...might mess w/ the stomata somehow
  13. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    spliff - yes, just dip cuts in the fresh filet for a minute or so, then transfer to your medium. can't hurt to soak the medium in the gel as well - or mix up a dilution w/ h2o to get a proper soak. you can also mix 1/4 cup of aloe to 1 gal of h2o and let the medium and clones sit in that for a...
  14. Cann

    Aloe Vera

    i'd dip em in the gel first for good measure, then proceed w/ the foliar as planned. a little dip can't hurt ;) also you could soak the medium (rockwool, rapidrooters, etc.) in an aloe solution for a few hrs i still like to use cootz method :bigjoint:seems to work pretty well LOL
  15. Cann

    Aloe Vera

    up to 1/4cup per gallon soil drench...i know folks who have used 2x that amount w/ no ill effects 2tbs/gal is what i use for foliar, 2x per week hyroot - horizon herbs is great for comfrey - follow the link a few posts back. bocking 14 root cuttings is what you are looking for, if I remember...
  16. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    it doesn't keep....just like fresh aloe where you have about 20 minutes before the goodies start to disappear here is how the conversion breaks down: it is called 200x because if you mix 1 gram of the powder with 199 grams water you will get a liquid that is effectively the same as store...
  17. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I'm sure cootz has a reason for it being more involved....maximum enzyme yield. if i'm not mistaken, cootz got the new recipe from reading articles about brewing - brewers are obsessed w/ getting maximum enzyme yield from grain - their jobs depend on it to an extent - so i'm sure there is a...
  18. Cann

    fast compost with oak leaves

    add alfalfa or alfalfa meal - that should bring enough nitrogen to the table to kickstart the thermal composting process - assuming you have enough moisture and biomass in the equation. not sure if you can afford alfalfa meal but feed stores sell #50 bags for cheap - usually around $15-20...
  19. Cann

    CAP's Bennies rock

    ^ yup, that. also, check out Fungi Perfecti for mycorrhizae ( - its Paul Stamets' company..and he definitely knows his fungi! Good prices too - especially for the spore count. BioAg VAM is also a very solid choice
  20. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    and this: Teaming with Nutrients: The Organic Gardener's Guide to Optimizing Plant Nutrition by Jeff Lowensfels Forward by Dr. Mike Amaranthus, Mycorrhizal Applications, Inc. Nice images using an electron microscope throughout the book - i.e. well supported. CC