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  1. Cann

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Haven't fed this bin in a week or two - gave em some juicer scraps the other day. I think they liked it :hump:
  2. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    Week 8...starting to chop plants that look ready. Been spraying every 4 or 5 days with apple cider vinegar to control PM (thanks fattiemcnuggins!) - the horsetail was working but not well enough/it was costing me a fortune to spray every 2 days, not to mention it's a pain in the ass to spend...
  3. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    thanks for the advice KK! i'm sending good cantaloupey vibes towards her...hoping she pulls through! just went on a nightly pest examination (outdoors)..found 3 earwigs on some chamomile starts I planted the other day - thats it. will lay out a newspaper and also a beer trap tomorrow...the...
  4. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    Time for an update... Veg Room chillin under the t5's On the right side of the frame in the picture below you can see the swami plants ~ the 4 tall ones in front are BOxNL5/haze, 4 out of 5 confirmed female :hump: one male which isn't pictured. The two short plants immediately to the left...
  5. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    i have some spinosad, might use that - i also might try some beer traps, sticky traps, oil traps, etc - but i've killed over 100 manually (squeezing between my fingertips) over the last few nights, and last night when I checked there were only a few out there (although that still doesn't mean...
  6. Cann

    epsom salt or dolomite lime

    oyster shell flour > dolomite gypsum > epsom salts...and yes I know that gypsum is calcium sulfate whereas epsom salts are magnesium sulfate...but IMO Mg is very rarely a problem..plants need much more Ca than Mg. for long term soil applications dolomite is preferred, but indoors where soil...
  7. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    :) awesome repost, thanks for that NN (and RM of course) the dried plant meal is also something I do - collect things like dandelion, horsetail, lambs quarters, and cannabis leaves - dry them out, crumble, and store in a cardboard box. great for topdressing plants, feeding to worms, making into...
  8. Cann

    Organics Done Right: Time to pay some bills!

    from what i've heard it seems that soybean suppliers are becoming unable to verify whether or not their crops are contaminated with some % of GMO plants...a.k.a. it is going to become difficult to find truly non-GMO soy. i read a study a while back where they were testing food from grocer...
  9. Cann

    Organics Done Right: Time to pay some bills!

    nice! thanks for taking the time to write this all up :bigjoint: i'll +rep you if I can... btw your photos arent showing up for me... also, personally I would skip the dolomite altogether and replace it with oyster shell flour...but thats just me. I know many folks who have found dolomite to...
  10. Cann

    Worm problem, Mites

    i would pick up some dry aged manure and mix that in there...the worms need some sort of bulk material to feed on besides the food scraps...paper and cardboard won't really do. i say start over with a new bin full of manure, old soil, leaves, maybe some pumice or lava rock, and then a small...
  11. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    Alright so I'm terrible at drawing, and when I try to upload these diagrams they are no diagrams, it'll just confuse y'all :) Basically, I have two different gardens - one at my house, and another at a community garden. there are some plants already established in both places...
  12. Cann

    Worms in soil?

    yeah the worms don't need much beyond moisture and some living organisms in the soil to feed need to topdress food scraps IMO. canna mulch will definitely suffice :) a while back I topdressed about 1'' of quality castings onto a clone in a square 1/2 gallon pot, when I went to...
  13. Cann

    Mycorrhizae help

    the fungi are sold in can find them at hydro stores, or online. I would recommend "Myco Grow" by Fungi Perfecti (paul stamets' company..if that rings a bell at all) Myco Grow Soluble. As for the guano, I would skip it altogether for various reasons. Have you considered kelp or...
  14. Cann

    Worm problem, Mites

    looks like there is too much fresh material in there can see that some worms are dying and the mites are having a feast. Maybe remove a lot of the fresh material etc. and let them chill for a bit. Also, it looks very wet, almost too wet. do you have an aeration component in your bin to...
  15. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Sounds like Ice-9 :mrgreen: Cool Idea though. I would love to see some literature about this stuff...does said "chinese researcher" have published work? or do you have a link to the documentary? I am a huge proponent of clean drinking water, and I always give people shit for drinking...
  16. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    can't think of a reason to spray BTI as a foliar....I would only use it in the soil. not sure if there could be any benefits of a foliar application... is it for fungus gnats? what are you trying to control w/ the BTI?
  17. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    just checking in...way too busy right now...trimming as we speak. no time to catch up on any threads here let alone post any updates...everything indoors is moving along smoothly. been focusing most of my attention getting the outdoor beds ready for planting...working with about 2500sqft of...
  18. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    :bigjoint: my local health food store sells bundles of dandelion greens for .99c i've bought them to use as a topdress before LOL
  19. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    I use dandelions for topdressing..they are a great resource. Also you can make a dandelion FPE, but I am not one for FPE's necessarily. people get very confused when I tell them I cultivate dandelions landlord was walking around the backyard with me the other day and she...
  20. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    going back home...seattle :bigjoint: