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  1. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    and now the science behind SST v. 2.0 - for those who are interested in a light read. posted by cootz, originally by R.G. Stanley and W.L. Butler coot - "I didn't know where else to put this and it's not worth a new thread so that's why it landed here. Have Von or another moderator move it to...
  2. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    thanks jubiare for bringing this up...there is an updated SST (sprouted seed tea) recipe from old master cootz - he has been on a hiatus recently and returned to us a few days ago with this new recipe: Sprouted Seed Tea v2.0 Jon Stika of Brew Your Own Magazine describes malt as "barley that...
  3. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    how many worm castings do you have? how aged is the horse manure? are the 10 gallon bags fabric or are they plastic? do you have access to hydro stores? what about feed/farm stores? how much $$ are you looking to invest? is this for an outdoor or indoor operation? the more you tell us the...
  4. Cann

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    i wouldn't use styrofoam....just my 2cents. seems too fragile/toxic for the intended use
  5. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    yup, all the time. i usually go 1/2 strength with the ful power when combined w/ enzymes...but you could probably use it full strength. the enzyme tea has no real humic i don't see the harm of adding some humic/fulvic acids. i wouldn't add ful-power to an ACT though...
  6. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    terence mckenna. everyone thinks its me in the pic lol...i'm much much younger than that. snap - thats a cool article! thanks for sharing
  7. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    From master cootz at some point...couldn't find it online but it's written in my notebook... Take a bundle of cilantro (organic of course), puree it, add to 1 gal h2o, let sit no more than 40 hrs, add 1 cup of this to 15 cups h2o = 1 gallon. add 1/4 cup aloe and 1tsp protekt - spray at lights...
  8. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I've PMed a few mods in this regard...still haven't heard back - we'll see what happens. This definitely deserves to be sticky...
  9. Cann

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    are you using the flowers for a topdress? I just use the assuming the dandelion still has some green leaves you're good to go... double check that there is no danger of pesticides/pollution in the area - you can never be too safe in that regard. public parks can be danger for wild...
  10. Cann

    just sunlight & water :) elite growers

    lol....what a boss. definitely "elite" status
  11. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    Ful-power is nice cause its a liquid so you don't have to spend time getting it to dissolve (TM-7 can be a pain in the ass that way). Also you can foliar with ful-power because fulvic acid is small enough to penetrate the stomata - not the case with humic acid. just another benefit... I think...
  12. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    TL : DR BioAg is the shit. I need to order more VAM Endo mix but i might go with myco grow this time..mix it up :) TM-7 is another good one...humic acid + trace nutrients
  13. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    Custom Hydro Nutrients - Agsil 16H Ful power I get locally, but you can order it online via BioAg's website - BioAg
  14. Cann

    To PH or not to PH - Organic Growing

    oh yeah and ditch the bud candy! :bigjoint: go pick up some kelp'll thank me later edit: and not from a hydro store - check out local feed/farm stores or nurseries - same product, 1/2 the price.
  15. Cann

    To PH or not to PH - Organic Growing

    funny, i started a thread very similar to this in the past.... mix up a proper ACT, give it to all your ladies, and then feed them straight tap water from now on (assuming you have a method to remove chlorine/chloramine). you can keep using the roots nutrients if you want, but when I was...
  16. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    2tbs/gal apple cider vinegar w/ some soap and aloe in there as a surfactant horsetail works if you spray that shit daily...but who's got the time for that? lol...takes me 45 minutes to spray both my flower tents - don't have time for that every day. apple cider tends to curl the leaves a...
  17. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    elaborate on this por favor...i've never heard of it, and would be interested to try it out. plushberry aint half bad if youre going with TGA. still gets PM though, so gotta be persistent about the prevention regime
  18. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    The flav is definitely not for smokes nice, but is a pain to grow (too lanky, PM magnet, long flower time, etc.). cheese quake is better IMO, as far as TGA stuff goes. really nice taste after a month or two of curing. plushberry is one of the only keepers for my garden out of all the...
  19. Cann

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    View of plushberry from afar - I can barely fit her in the frame :shock:. Filling out nicely...
  20. Cann

    For the serious organics out here

    yup...KIS organics is a great reputable company and they have a lot of amendments available in bulk, etc. Shipping is a pain if you're not in WA, but still a great resource. They carry everything you need to build a soil from scratch/reamend an old soil - compost tea equipment, etc. all at...