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  1. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    went to a friends house the and took pictures of his stuff his is all covered in mites he has cats they just keep bringing them in hes gunna try ladybugs like me but he has a much bigger problem than me he probly has 6 time the mites i had at my hi point
  2. igotwhatuneed

    Tell Me What I Should Do Next 1st Gro

    hey this is my first grow tell me what u think of the things i have been doing and the things i should be doing just post on there i check it multiple times a day
  3. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    at least the mite patrol is hard at work
  4. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    i added a big fan to keep down the mold or mildew or whatever that white stuff on my leaves was put tape around the hydro thing i made so it would be dark since i put some of the cuttings and 2 new cuttings in it also i went outside to check on my faverite outside plant and it was knocked over...
  5. igotwhatuneed

    Check Out 1st Grow

    ive been hard at work kinda broke my pocketbook a lil with all the lil purchases in the last month tho well anyways check out my new flowering room and hydro cloner thingy first grow remodling tell me what u think and what i should think of doing
  6. igotwhatuneed

    check out the new stuff i did

    ive been hard at work kinda broke my pocketbook a lil with all the lil purchases in the last month tho well anyways check out my new flowering room and hydro cloner thingy tell me what u think and what i should...
  7. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    this is the fert im using in flowering room and these are my pesticides i keep them in the refridgerater and they stay in a dormant state they wake up in about 45 seconds of being outside of fridge o and i took that hydro thing i made and i put foil over the gaps and poked some cuttings thru...
  8. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    ok so i took down my homeless house flowering are and bought a saw and got some scrap wood and the mylar i bought and went to town i stapled the mylar down with pieces of plastic i cut from a juice container [=] looks kinda like that if u can see lil pink things around thats what those are. 2...
  9. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    i will post more pics after i finish the total remodeling of the flowering room
  10. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    everyone is doing pretty good my kush mom is getting a new set of clones starting and i think the new grow box is doing ok nothings doing that great exept my outside stuff and one of my flowerers
  11. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    i also made a small hydroponics kit out of 2 rubbermaids19$ some lil plastic basket things 1$ 2 air stones 6$ and an air pump that i think was 37$ i also bought a real cloner and a bunch of random shit fert rockwool ph tester CLONEX! tubing(for air stones) milar and a few other things
  12. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    got more stuff today and yesterday some of it is put together now my power drill is fucking up anyway i put one of the girls outside today since its so bright ill take her in at dusk also the outside guys are doing pretty good one is really bushing out i think hes a liil older than the others tho
  13. igotwhatuneed

    1st grow need advice

    i just got some clonex to replace my roottoner and a bunch of other shit i think im 2 parts from a hydroponic system
  14. igotwhatuneed

    what do you think these sisters are????

    thx all i gues im only a lil over a week into flowering ill have plenty of time to figure out what they are
  15. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    thx all well now im off to town to buy more random shit bring it home throw it together and hope it works
  16. igotwhatuneed

    1st grow need advice

    thx for the advice well im off to town to pick up random shit and throw it together i have a mat in mind to put down but i dont wanna move everything
  17. igotwhatuneed

    what do you think these sisters are????

    hi i have 3 sisters im and i bunch of clones of them i was wondering what type u thought it was thi first 2 where cut a lil befor the third one and mother mother has had a few marks from over nuteing i my bad work in progress...
  18. igotwhatuneed

    1st grow need advice this is stuff i bought for my fist grow in a few hours im gunna go get some more stuff a lil further away will have better selection pls give advice on stuff i could use
  19. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    pls post adcce im going shoping in the mourning to another city where they have better selection my options are gunna be big i need advice on what things i could get to benefit what i am doinging right now (using existing kush mom and raising some clones half into mothers other half into...
  20. igotwhatuneed

    hydro hopefull pls help

    :blsmoke:cmon i put up a tread showing a mourning of weed shoping and now i want advice about my choices and what i should keep in mind when i probly do it again tomorrow i might even make a dwc rubbermaid air stone rockwool thing since that was my original plan but they didnt have any air...