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  1. igotwhatuneed

    need advice lots of pics

    :blsmoke:cmon i put up a tread showing a mourning of weed shoping and now i want advice about my choices and what i should keep in mind when i probly do it again tomorrow i might even make a dwc rubbermaid air stone rockwool thing since that was my original plan but they didnt have any air...
  2. igotwhatuneed

    i need advice

    :blsmoke:cmon i put up a tread showing a mourning of weed shoping and now i want advice about my choices and what i should keep in mind when i probly do it again tomorrow i might even make a dwc rubbermaid air stone rockwool thing since that was my original plan but they didnt have any air...
  3. igotwhatuneed

    pls everyone tell me what u think of first grow

    tell me what u think of what i did to grow rooms and what i should be doing i have enuf money for another shopping trip but not enuf for the supplies i end up picking up here and there and a hid light i just use a lot of clfs i guess when i do get a nice light i could use all the clfs to make a...
  4. igotwhatuneed

    Aluminum Foil Yay or Nay

    aw man i have foil everywhere EVERYWHERE check out the lil trip to the store o ya and i carried all this stuff a hill along with a lil groceries
  5. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    if u have any ideas or tips pls post them i love revamping my growing my next step is a rubbermaid dwc set up im gunna put by the flowering room on the left side theres about 3 feet by 4 feet lf space on the side
  6. igotwhatuneed

    clones no take root

    i just put all the stuff i just did today on a new tread
  7. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    this should be what my 3 rooms look like now the main veg/rubber veg/ and flowering by the way the hole u veiw the flowering area from has a reflective wall that folds up so its all closed ill post that l8er
  8. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    so this should be all the rooms in their present state main veg, rubber veg, and flowering
  9. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    oops forgot to show my mom shes so bald now i went a lil clone happy if some of the clones pull through i can make them mothers so its not all coming off one although i have a billion seedlings from a pouch of random seeds i attempted to germinate twice first time with about 30 seeds second with...
  10. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    my kush mom has a few scars from over nuting but my 3 flowering sisters are looking ok they are about on day 8 of flowering but my friend had the one that looks more like flowerd than the other 2 flowering then he switched it to veg for about a week and a half since he wanted cuttings when i...
  11. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    ok onto the flowering room i almost broke everything i could doing this i got inside and im a big guy i dont fit well well i ended up droping the boards and i thought i broke some of the 3 clf light set and then i got pissed and threw my jacket wich made a terrifying twang sound the sound of the...
  12. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    new early grow side ( cloner and more room fore everyone since a few went to rubermaid box i also have 3 outdoors seedlings and my old flowering room
  13. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    i already had the perilite i live by that stuff and i already mixed it with blood meal fish emulsions and super thrive (its a veg transplant mix)
  14. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    then its time to cut some holes. i foil out the top and sides so its nice and shiny then i put in the lights fan and tape them down. car reflector 5$ lights 20$ including bulbs, fan 8$ rubbermaid 12$ so a 45$ grow box
  15. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    this is the old veg room with to 2 40" 40 watt florecent tubes rigs so 4 tubes. thats my old attempt at a cloner with the plastic wrap on it i also used water bottles for single plant humid domes well time to build new stuff first i line the rubbermaid with the car windshield reflector
  16. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    this is all the shit i bought
  17. igotwhatuneed

    first grow remodling

    i had a grow closet (veg) and a flowering area in the garage but i was running out of veg room and the light wasnt enuf for all the seedlings to get a good start so i ran down to town (sigh literally no car) and bought a bunch of random shit at all the differant stores a hardware store like 5...
  18. igotwhatuneed

    clones no take root

    o and it was 3 bucks
  19. igotwhatuneed

    clones no take root

    i just bought a bunch of stuff for all my stuff.... i bought a few things for main veg closet got a big ass rubbermaid and made a lil veg room out of it aluminum foil 3 100 w daylight cfl and a 8$ fan also bought a thing from walgreens made by handi-foil looks like this has a lil plastic cover i...
  20. igotwhatuneed

    clones no take root

    hi how long should it take for my clones to take root its been about 4 or 5 days since i cut them and i the only one i think is rooting is the strawberry plant i practiced on the day befor i tried it on my kush mom now kush mom is all bald and can maybe cut one more in a few days im using a...