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  1. igotwhatuneed

    help! planted 1 seed, have 15 sprouts! no joke

    you should cover the base in foil tear a piece of foil into a square a little bigger than pot size then tear a line to the middle then tear a little piece out of center bend open and wrap it around your plant it will reflect light up and kill via lack of light the serounding vegitation
  2. igotwhatuneed

    overfeeding foliar sprays???

    can u over feed a plant by puting liquid fert (scults plant food plus 10 15 10) in mister and misting several times a day
  3. igotwhatuneed

    Flowering Question?

    u should take at least 2 cuttings then flower her then u can still have more plants after u flower that to turn into mothers or flower
  4. igotwhatuneed


    my first q is can u overuse superthrive and my second is anything you think of superthrive
  5. igotwhatuneed

    broken off stem help please

    no idea put it in water till store opens then make a new 45degree angle cut off the bottom and use cloning agent replant and mist a lot over next 10 days or some kind of humidity dome if u dont want to mist frequenly?
  6. igotwhatuneed

    Is this bad?

    u could try putting up one of those shade nets dependant on how much attention that would draw(its a net that lets a lil light thru)or u could just find ways of reducing light like putting them under trees same shit u do in the summer time sit in the shade mist self dont give them a cold drink...
  7. igotwhatuneed

    girls gone wild

    u flushed ur soil after ur leaves turned yellow right??
  8. igotwhatuneed

    girls gone wild

    these are guess's since little info are the plants in COMPLETE darkness and u are probly using fertilizer with too much nitrogen u could try adding bat guano i think but that doesnt matter if ur in veg cus u let a lil light in during nap time:???: